Lead Smelting
The production of primary lead is a process of extracting lead from lead sulfide concentrate by smelting. Smelting process mainly includes sinter plant–blast …

Stabilisation of Cr(VI) in stainless steel plant dust through sintering …
Cr(VI) in stainless steel plant dust was stabilised by mixing the dust with clay, and sintering it in air. The following conclusions with regard to the stabilisation of Cr(VI) can be drawn: (1) When the specimens were sintered at 1100 °C for 5 h with a 50 wt% SPD content, Cr(VI) in the stainless steel plant dust could be stabilised. It is ...

Recycling of ferromanganese gas cleaning plant (GCP) sludge …
Diverse recycling methods/route for the utilization of fine and moist materials are available. Sintering, pelletizing and briquetting (Fig. 2) are the three conventional technologies widely being used for agglomeration of ore fines.High capital investment coupled with the introduction of gangue through solid fuel prohibits the use of sintering …

Reusing Water Treatment Plant Sludge as Secondary Raw …
Reusing Water Treatment Plant Sludge as Secondary Raw Material in Brick Manufacturing. Author links open overlay panel L. Feenstra, ... would lead to a saleable product and would provide a use for water iron that was satisfactory to all parties. ... the availability for leaching declines as a result of the sintering of the product during the ...

Application of the Lime/Limestone Flue Gas …
Lead Sintering Gases The strong SO2 gases discharged from lead sintering ma-chines are generally used for producing sulfuric acid. The weak discharge gases normally are …

A review on lead slag generation, characteristics, and utilization
The production of primary lead is a process of extracting lead from lead sulfide concentrate by smelting. Smelting process mainly includes sinter plant–blast furnace route and direct smelting reduction process as shown in Fig. 2, Fig. 3, including oxidation, …

Conversion of recycled sludge waste into high value-added …
A high value-added construction ceramic material was fabricated from municipal wastewater treatment plant sludge and kaolin by sintering at 1400 ℃ for 30 min. At the same time, mineral analysis, performance assessment and structure observation were conducted on sintered ceramics to reveal the impacts of sludge incorporation …

(PDF) Lead Extraction : Sinter Plant-Blast Furnace
PDF | On Jun 8, 2015, Raka Dewangga published Lead Extraction : Sinter Plant-Blast Furnace | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate ... Hasil Sintering (200 ton) : Lead ...

Treatment of chromium-containing sludge using sintering …
The efficient, safe and eco-friendly disposal of the chromium-containing sludge (CCS) has attracted an increasing concern. In this study, Co-processing of CCS was developed via employing sintering and ironmaking combined technology for its harmless disposal and resource utilization. Crystalline phase and valence state …

12.6 Primary Lead Smelting
The processing of lead concentrate into metallurgical lead involves 3 major steps: sintering, reduction, and refining. A diagram of a typical facility, with particle and …

Effect of sintering temperature on the characteristics of sludge …
In order to investigate the effect of sintering temperature on the characteristics of sludge ceramsite and find an optimal sintering temperature, dried sewage sludge, clay, and water glass were mixed at ratios of dried sewage sludge/clay = 33% and water glass/clay = 15%. Then these mixtures were heated to 850, 900, 950, …

Zinc and Lead Removal from Blast Furnace Sludge with a
Traditionally, in-plant recycling of residues generated in the integrated steel plant is conducted via the sinter or, in the case of pellet-based BFs, via cold-bonded …

Removal of zinc and lead from ironworks dust and sludge …
Made available by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information ...

Sintering and Briquetting Synergy in Blast …
The article describes the concept of partially replacing the sinter in a blast furnace charge with extrusion briquettes to form the basis for sintering and briquetting synergy.

Sinter Plant Design, Engineering, Construction | M
A Sinter plant in a steel plant is the final operation in a series of measures to prepare iron ore for blast furnace smelting.A sinter plant is an enterprise with a complicated technological process for producing the final product – agglomerate or sinter.. Agglomeration is a process of sintering fine ores and concentrates by fuel combustion …

Basic properties of sintering dust from iron and steel plant …
Basic properties of sintering dust from iron and steel plant and potassium recovery. Author ... Pb. If discharged directly without adequate treatment, these elements can lead to adverse effects on the environment. ... It is the goal of various dust treatment processes to efficiently recover the valuable components in the dust and …

Regeneration and Reuse of Water Treatment Plant Sludge
This study applies sintering technology to convert water sludge to a useful and stable adsorption material. The properties of the sintered materials were characterized using SEM and BET.

Lead glass-ceramics produced from the beneficial use of waterworks sludge
This study quantified the effects of lead stabilization by blending lead-containing sludge into glass-ceramics through sintering with aluminum- and silica-rich precursors. Using lead oxide (PbO) to simulate lead-laden sludge under thermal conditions, the predominant PbAl 2 O 4 phase was found at temperatures of 900–1000 …

Productive recycling of basic oxygen furnace sludge in integrated steel
The study describes techniques of recycling the gas cleaning plant (GCP) sludge generated during basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steel making process.

A novel and clean utilization of flue gas desulfurization ash …
This method involves reacting converter sludge with desulfurization ash at high temperatures, facilitating the concurrent elimination of toxic elements. ... This reaction may lead to micro-expansion in building materials, posing safety risks in cement ... Temporal trends in polychlorinated naphthalene emissions from sintering plants in China ...

Co-utilization of converter sludge-containing dedust …
Due to the high proportion of the steel output produced by oxygen converter, significant quantities of converter sludge (CS) and dedust wastewater (DW) are generated annually as waste materials. This study tries to achieve the co-utilization of converter sludge-containing dedust wastewater (CSDW) in iron ore sintering to save fresh water …

An innoxious sinter process for treating the mud from sewage treatment plant includes such steps as proportioning raw materials including said mud as main material to ensure enough Si content, dewatering, drying, granulating by 15-20 mm, and sintering at 1100-1250 deg.C for 10-15 min to obtain haydites.

An overview of utilization of slag and sludge from steel …
Integrated steel plants utilize mostly five materials such as raw materials, air, water, fuel and power to produce steel. During the production of steel, 2–4 t of wastes …

Evaluation of steel metallurgical dust management: …
However, this sludge, either handled by environmental protection companies or recycled into the sintering process, may lead to secondary pollution and affect product quality. To address these limitations, we propose dissolving the dust into the heavy metal wastewater for cooperative recovery, thereby improving overall treatment efficiency.

Stabilisation of Cr(VI) in stainless steel plant dust through sintering …
The total chromium emission factors from the stabilised waste during the sintering process is approximately 0.5 to 1.8 g/ton specimen produced at 1100 °C for 5 h, which is lower than the emission factors from steel plants (4.0–36.1 g/ton steel) and sewage sludge incineration (10 g/ton) [24], but similar to the cement industry …

Lead and Zinc Sintering
The return sinter and fresh feed (sulphide concentrate, fluxes, fume, sludge) are agglomerated to form granulated spherical feed with 5-10 mm diameter to sintering …

Treatment of chromium-containing sludge using sintering …
The procedures of co-processing of CCS with sintering and ironmaking treatment were performed in the No. 2 sintering machine (280 m 2) and No. 4 blast furnace (nominal capacity 2600 m 3) at WISCO steel plant in central China, and the specific parameters of sintering machine were shown in Table S3. During the industrial trials, …

Utilizing Industrial Sludge Ash in Brick Manufacturing and …
In particular, every batch of sludge might vary due to the sources of sludge treatment received at a manufacturing plant. Therefore, the amount of substitute sludge cannot be the only factor in effectively utilizing industrial sludge as brick material. Extra additives that can modify the properties must be considered to unify the brick quality.

Zinc and Lead Metallurgical Slags as a Potential …
The essential sinter melting processes take place in the lower part of the shaft furnace in the melting and reduction zone, where zinc and lead oxides are reduced, and the slag is liquefied. Lead, liquid slag …

Stabilization of copper-contaminated sludge using the microwave sintering
However, the TCLP results of the sinters made from synthetic sludge with ferric oxide by the improved microwave sintering showed a decreasing tendency and the XRD result showed no recognizable copper compound in the sinter made by the improved microwave sintering at 30 min. Hence, it could be considered that cuprospinel indeed …