Isolation and Characterization of Coal Solubilizing Aerobic
ABSTRACT. Microbial solubilization of coal has been considered as a promising technology to convert raw coal into valuable products. In the present study, …

Comparative investigation of methods for evaluating the …
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2024.124380 Corpus ID: 268207658; Comparative investigation of methods for evaluating the wettability of dust suppression reagents on coal dust @article{Han2024ComparativeIO, title={Comparative investigation of methods for evaluating the wettability of dust suppression reagents on coal dust}, author={Fangwei …

Solubilization of Coal
Coal solubilization, or essentially complete dissolution, entails a series of complex processes which involve reactions of the solvent as well as coal. Effective solubilization requires hydrogen from the solvent or other source outside of the coal since its …

Experimental investigation on combined modification for …
The effect of the compound reagent on coal sample modification is mainly affected by the concentration of HNO 3, SLS and [Bmim]Cl. Three groups of data are measured for each influencing factor, as shown in Table 3. To determine the optimal proportions of compound chemical reagents, orthogonal chemical modification …

Interpretation of interaction effects and optimization of reagent
The effect of three most important reagents for coal flotation namely sodium meta silicate, collector (kerosene) and frother (MIBC) was studied using 23 full factorial design.

Current Aspects of Prevention of Coal Freezing by …
Current Aspects of Prevention of Coal Freezing by Means of Inorganic and Organic Reagents Ekaterina Shmeltser1, Maryna Kormer1*, and Vitalij Lyalyuk1 1State University of Economics and Technology, Kryvyi Rih, 50006, Ukraine Abstract. In the cold season, irregular coal supplies to coke plants are aggravated by the need to heat the coal cars.

A review on flotation of coal using mixed reagent systems
ABSTRACT In this paper, Ordos low-rank coal was taken as the research object, methyl oleate and diethyl phthalate were used as test reagents, and the differences of coal slime flotation indexes under …

The effect of reagents and reagent mixtures on froth flotation of coal …
The results show that the performance data may vary from reagent to reagent. It is interesting to compare the runs individually performed in the presence of Triton x-100, Brij-35, MIBC and SDS; these four runs were carried out using the same coal and the amount of initial reagent concentration, 0.9 mg/g coal.

Effect of reagents of different molecular structure on coal …
This paper is aimed specifically at exploring the effect of the different molecular structure of collectors on coal slime flotation. The exploration involves selecting as collectors the diethyl phthalate,dodecane and isododecane with 12 carbon atoms and different molecular structure and performing slime flotation tests,as well as the wetting heat measurement …

Utilization of Fine Coal Tailings by Flotation Using Ionic Reagents
The efficiency of the coal flotation process in separating fine particles is primarily influenced by the type of reagent selected. The efforts made for improved recovery of carbonaceous material ...

Conversion of coal mine drainage ochre to water …
onstrates that the ochre from both active and passive treatment of coal mine drainage can be trans-formed into an effective water treatment reagent by simple acid dissolution and that the reagent can be used for the removal of dissolved phosphorous from municipal wastewater and zinc from non-coal mine waters. Ochre is readily soluble in H2SO4 ...

Comparative investigation of methods for evaluating the …
Currently, the wetting ability of dust suppressant reagents on coal is mainly evaluated by observing the static wetting characteristics or slow wetting characteristics of droplets on the coal surface. Evaluation methods such as the surface tension test, contact angle test, sink test, penetration test, and capillary rise test, are generally used ...

Coal Froth Flotation: Effects of Reagent Adsorption on
This study gives the quantitative effect of reagent dosage on coal and pyrite floatability and details several means of minimizing pyrite floatability during coal flotation. The effect of fuel oil ...

Enhanced flotation separation of low-rank coal by using …
ABSTRACT. The surface hydrophobicity of low-rank coal is meager, hindering the efficient adsorption of hydrocarbon oil on its surface. Consequently, the hydrophobicity modification of the coal surface is adversely affected, making flotation separation of the coal-gangue challenging.

Comparative investigation of methods for evaluating the …
In the present study, the wettability of dust suppression reagents on coal dust was specifically evaluated using surface tension tests, contact angle tests, sink tests, penetration tests, capillary rise tests, and impact wetting experiments. The surface tension was measured by the platinum plate method.

Solubilization of bituminous and lignite coals by chemically …
Coal solubilization by S. viridosporus was oxidative, as shown by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis, and the soluble products were …

Influence of Reagent Emulsification on Coal Flotation in …
In Fig. 2, we show the results of traditional flotation (reagent emulsion + coal suspension + flotation bubbles) and flotation with the inclusion of gas microbubbles.With increase in impeller speed from 1000 to 3000 rpm, the concentrate yield increases by a factor of 1.3. Further decrease in size of the reagent droplets does not intensify flotation.

Standard Test Method for Forms of Sulfur in Coal
6.2 Reagents and Materials: 6.2.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Commit-tee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such specifications are available.7 Other grades may be

tons each. Conveyor systems are used to transport the coal from a nearby mine to a coal stockyard and then to the power station site. The purpose of the coal stockyard is to ensure that there is sufficient coal reserves available to keep the power station in operation should the mine experience production problems.

Arsenic Removal and Recovery of Germanium and Tungsten in Toxic Coal
Every year, billions of tons of lignite are burnt to generate electricity, meanwhile generating large amounts of coal fly ash (CFA) that is regarded as an industrial waste. During lignite combustion, arsenic and scarce metals are simultaneously volatilized in the form of oxide into CFA. ... Indicators and Reagents Kinetics Tungsten ...

Advanced solid-liquid separation for dewatering fine coal …
Fine coal tailings containing swelling clay minerals, highly negative particles, and a vast amount of inorganic salts are difficultly dewatered to meet the requirement of disposal practice and the quality of process water. ... The successful combination of chemical reagents and mechanical forces generated by solid bowl centrifugation would ...

Solvolysis of Bituminous Coal in Coal- and …
The solvolytic conversion of softening bituminous coal at 380 °C in solvents derived from the commercial hydrocarbon byproducts and residues from coal and petroleum processing was studied. …

Solvent Extraction of Coal
Raaen and Roark (1978) found that benzophenone is a useful reagent for ranking of hydrogen donors. A comparative study was made of the dehydrogenation of …

Recent advances and conceptualizations in process …
Owing to the physical and chemical properties of CGFS, the large amount of reagents and low sorting effect severely restrict its industrial implementation. This review summarizes and analyzes the main reasons for the flotation process of coal gasification slag from three aspects (the flotation basis of minerals, difficult flotation, and ...

Effect of reagent interaction on froth stability of coal flotation
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Effect of reagent interaction on froth stability of coal flotation" by Yali Cheng et al.

Study on the influence of new compound reagents on the …
DOI: 10.1016/J.FUEL.2021.121113 Corpus ID: 236254044; Study on the influence of new compound reagents on the functional groups and wettability of coal @article{Liu2021StudyOT, title={Study on the influence of new compound reagents on the functional groups and wettability of coal}, author={Zhen Liu and Zhu Muyao and Yang …

Prediction of Clean Coal Ash Content in Coal Flotation …
This study successfully achieved high-precision detection of the clean coal ash content in the coal froth flotation domain by integrating deep learning with the likelihood function. Methodologically, a novel data processing and prediction framework was established by combining a deep learning Keras neural network with the likelihood …

On demand control of reagent dosage for hard coal flotation
On demand control of reagent dosage for hard coal flotation. Lighting and camera position, froth image (300 × 400 mm) The beneficiation of the finest fraction is the most expensive process step in hard coal preparation. Herein the froth flotation is an integrated part which influences the operating costs in particular by the consumption of ...

a reagent for the separation of coal liquids
Fuel Processing Technology, 4 (1981) 169--177 169 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands LIQUID SULPHUR DIOXIDE -- A REAGENT FOR THE SEPARATION OF COAL LIQUIDS RALPH A. ZINGARO*, C.V. PHILIP**, RAYFORD G. ANTHONY** and ARGENTINA VINDIOLA …

(PDF) Effect of flotation procedure and composition of reagents …
The coal yield and quality of final product obtained depends on types and the amount of reagent dosage, flotation operational parameters and mineral matter composition in coal. In this project ...