In 2022, the gold sector employed 93,841 people who collectively earned R28.9 billion; ... Although the crisis has eased in many countries, the effects on the South African mining industry have been profound and enduring. Employment in the gold sector has continued to decline since the 1980s with around 93,841 workers currently employed. At the ...

Investing in South Africa's Mining and Mineral …
> South Africa's mining industry is the fifth largest globally in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). > The mining sector contributed R356bn or 7.3% to South Africa's GDP and accounted for 25% of the country's total export earnings. Platinum, coal and

Black economic empowerment policy and the transfer of …
Setting: The study used a sample of 72 mining companies in South Africa operating in various mineral categories. Methodology: This article used a qualitative approach involving both secondary and ...

How does the mining sector impact the South African economy?
South Africa is also the leading supplier of chromium and vanadium ores, as well as a major producer of their combinations. It also produces a substantial amount of iron and manganese ores. Mining contributes 11% of gross capital creation but also 16% of total direct foreign investment in South Africa. Despite accounting for just 0.3 percent of ...

South Africa: PGM mining employment 2011-2023 | Statista
In 2023, South Africa's platinum group metals (PGM) mining industry employed some 181,806 people, which made it the largest employer of all mineral commodities produced in the country.

How mine dumps in South Africa affect the health of …
An estimated 1.6 million people live in informal and formal settlements on – or directly next to – mine dumps in South Africa. People living in these settings tend to be historically ...

List of the 20 biggest mining companies in South …
Mzansi is the world's largest producer of gold, chrome ore, platinum group metals, and manganese ore. Private and public companies compete for the country's resources because mining is among the …

The Economic and Environmental Effects of Coal …
PDF | South Africa is a country that combines considerable coal mines, coal reserves and natural resources, environmental issues, and water scarcity.... | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

Five largest iron ore mines in South Africa in 2020
2. Khumani Mine. Located in Northern Cape, the Khumani Mine is owned by African Rainbow Minerals.The surface mine produced an estimated 13.1 MTPA of iron ore in 2020. The mine will operate until 2041.

Mining and Minerals in South Africa
Although the mining value chain only accounted for around 13% of the GDP and 6% of employment in 2020, it remained a central link between the South African economy …

Hazards identified and the need for health risk …
Although mining is a cornerstone of the South African economy (), it generates copious amounts of dust. 1 The dusts may be toxic since they may also be contaminated with various toxic metals.For this …

Minerals and Mining in South Africa | SpringerLink
Mining in South Africa has underpinned the modern economic development of the country, while it is possible that the industry has now passed its peak and is a sunset industry as the gold and platinum mines go ever-deeper to exploit new resources. ... Iron was the most important metal in the culture and economy of the Iron Age people …

Mining Matters to South Africa and its people
Mining sector empowers employees, elevates lives and livelihoods of families; April 25, 2024 How 30 years of democracy has transformed South Africa's mining industry; April 17, 2024 A breakdown of mining in South Africa; April 16, 2024 #MiningMatters, South Africa!

South Africa
South Africa - Diamonds, Gold, Imperialism: South Africa experienced a transformation between 1870, when the diamond rush to Kimberley began, and 1902, when the South African War ended. ... By the end of 1871 nearly 50,000 people lived in a sprawling polyglot mining camp that was later named Kimberley. Initially, individual …

South Africa: gold mining employment 2011-2023 | Statista
In 2023, around 93,600 people were employed by South Africa's gold mining industry. In total, these employees earned some 34.3 billion South Africa rand (about 1.9 billion U.S. dollars) that year ...

Mineral resources and energy | South African Government
Regulating the petroleum sector Role players Mining Energy . The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) is mandated to ensure the transparent and efficient regulation of South Africa's mineral resources and minerals industry, and the secure and sustainable provision of energy in support of socio-economic development.. Several …

1 months ago Women now hold 25% of management positions in mining companies in South Africa. As we celebrate Na... 1 months ago This National Women's Month, we honour the resilience of women in mining. Their journey from facin... 1 months ago Today, we remember the 44 people who lost their lives, and their families during the Marikana …

Mines in South Africa with pictures, locations and industry
Mines in South Africa. A look at the map of mines in South Africa reveals that they are spread across different provinces in the country. Presently, the nation is relying on the mining industry and other key sectors to make a full economic recovery post the Cocid-19 pandemic. Below is a look at different mines in the country.

History of Diamonds
Today South Africa maintains its position as a major diamond producer. Diamond Mining | Famous Diamonds | Diamonds Through The Ages. The story of diamonds in South Africa begins between December 1866 and February 1867 when 15-year-old Erasmus Jacobs found a transparent rock on his father's farm, on the south bank of the Orange River.

Investing in South Africa's Mining and Mineral …
> South Africa has the world's largest reserves of platinum group metals (PGMs) and manganese, and some of the largest gold, diamonds, chromite ore and vanadium …

Mining Sector Report 2023
This report aims to provide detailed insights into the South African Mining sector, covering companies from sub-industries such as coal, general mining, gold mining, platinum, and precious metals. ... 8% to the GDP and providing direct employment to around half a million people3. The global geopolitical and macroeconomic uncertainties pose ...

Labour and Mining Revolution 1886-1940s
Labour and Mining Revolution 1886-1940s ... expansion in Southern African brought in its wake the consolidation of a racially defined society in which Black people were disposed of their land and confined into Native reserves and forced to work in a system that confined them to segregated ghettoes, menial jobs and low wages. ...

Mining industry in Africa
Two of the most profitable minerals produced in Africa are gold and diamonds. There are a number of major diamond producing countries across Africa such as South Africa and Botswana. However, the ...

25.1 Exploration: Finding minerals | Mining of mineral …
INSTRUCTIONS: Work in groups of three. Choose one mining industry in South Africa and find information about the industry of your choice. Choose from the following list: gold, iron, coal, phosphate, manganese, diamond, chromium, copper and the platinum group metals (PGMs).

Mining industry in South Africa
Find the most important statistics and facts on the mining industry in South Africa. ... Number of people employed by South Africa's coal mining industry from 2011 to 2022. Gold 3

The year of upliftment for mining communities in South Africa
From the construction of infrastructure and schools to skills development and transfer as well as long-term employment, mines have a central part to play in driving positive change in South Africa. While Covid-19 put the brakes on a lot of spending, it is time to focus once more on these initiatives and make 2022 the year of upliftment in ...

In election year, South African mines bleed cash, jobs
The mining sector's contribution to South Africa's gross domestic product stood at 6.2% last year from 7.3% in 2022 and 8.3% a decade earlier, according to Minerals Council South Africa, an ...

South Africa: mining employment by commodity 2023 | Statista
In 2023, South Africa's platinum group metals mining industry employed some 181,806 people; thus it was the largest employer of all mineral commodities produced in the country.

Mining Law in South Africa | Laws regulating …
In South Africa, the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 ("MPRDA"), is the primary regulatory framework for the exploitation of mineral resources in South Africa. …