Influence of filling mining on ground stability in a metal …
Large-scale mining of metal mines is likely to form a large area of goaf underground, which is easy to cause large-scale ground subsidence and goaf collapse. …

Mining and Ground Stability Report
The Mining and Ground Stability Report is delivered to your inbox in hours and includes data produced by the British Geological Survey (BGS) using the latest geological mapping information and interpretation by BGS geologists. The data covers potential stability hazards relating to Collapsible Ground, Compressible Ground, Ground Dissolution ...

Comprehensive evaluation method of stope stability and its …
The problem of high stress conditions is a critical challenge for mining activity in deep metal mines, and the difficulty and economic cost of maintaining stope stability also increases. In order to ensure stope stability in the mining process, it is necessary to evaluate stope stability for a more stable stope structure. However, there …

Investigation of Backfilling Step Effects on …
Cemented rock fill (CRF) is commonly used in cut-and-fill stoping operations in underground mining. This allows for the maximum recovery of ore. Backfilling can improve stope stability in underground …

Stability of underground mine development intersections …
This is to be expected due to the large volume of rock (ore) extracted with each mining step, which in effect causes lateral translation of the haulage drift toward the orebody (e.g. see [5]). 4.2.3. Influence of same-level mining on the stability of intersection 3181 at 5000 level

Investigation on the distribution of ground pressure and …
The stress equilibrium state of the surrounding rock is repeatedly redistributed during the process of two-step subsequent filling mining in metal mines, resulting in potential ground pressure issues such as rock instability and failure. These challenges present significant safety risks for efficient and secure mining operations. Effective investigation and …

Unveiling unknowns: Practical application of InSAR for …
These will enable further refinement of slope stability models to protect respective mining plans, and potentially unlock resource value. In addition, the development of an InSAR-specific TARP is planned. This will consider responses required by mining operations and the deployment of ground-based monitoring systems to …

Order Online | Coal Mining and Ground Stability Report …
Coal Mining and Ground Stability Report. A coal mining search is generally carried out by persons about to move into the proximity of a coal mining area, or a former coal mining area. The search provides details of past, present and future coal mining, underground and above ground. Details of gas emissions, shafts, adits and surface geology are ...

Strategic sill pillar design for reduced hanging wall overbreak in
While the thickness of the sill pillar must be adequate to maintain ground stability, it should not be oversized for economic reasons as this would result in lower ore extraction ratio. ... Assessment and control of ore dilution in long hole mining: case studies. Geotech Geol Eng, 26 (4) (2008), pp. 349-366. CrossRef View in Scopus Google ...

Comprehensive evaluation method of stope …
With the mining activity going deeper, the ground stress increases, the mining technical conditions and environment deteriorate seriously, and the mining cost increases sharply. The premise of …

Iron-ore climbs on China stimulus hopes, softer stockpiles
Prices of iron-ore futures gained ground on Thursday, as prospects of fresh Chinese monetary stimulus and lower inventories overshadowed concerns of the top consumer's weakening domestic demand.

A monitoring strategy that supports remote mining should address these barriers and could include: 1) remote imaging of the mining face, 2) ground support performance monitoring, and 3) seismic ...

Dynamic stress characterization and instability risk …
The quantitative characterization of rock mass and stress changes induced by mining activities is crucial for structural stability monitoring and disaster early warning. This paper investigates ...

Stability of stope structure under different mining methods …
The ore body has a great influence on the stability of surrounding rock and mining safety under different mining modes, and the reasonable selection of mining mode depends on other characteristics ...

Geotechnical investigations of lead-silver ore processing …
Mining operations generate a significant quantity of mining waste in the form of sterile rocks and processing residues. These mining wastes are typically placed on the surface and can cause geotechnical and geochemical disturbances, as well as contaminants in surface water (through runoff) and groundwater (through infiltration), …

Ground stability analysis and control of large-scale isolated …
Ground stability analysis and control of large-scale isolated stopes by a combined support of reinforced concretes and expandable props. ... In the process of mining underground ore bodies, due to the unreasonable mining sequence, a number …

Influence of filling mining on ground stability in a metal …
Inuence of lling mining on ground stability in a metal mine Jianxin Yu1,2,3 · Siyang Liu1 · Zhibin Zhou1 · Huazhe Jiao1 · Jinxing Wang1 · Lianhao Zhou1 Received: 30 May 2023 / …

Recovering a Legacy of Old Iron Ore Consolidated Fines …
The work is related to the Study of slope stability of 33.00 Million tonnes of Iron ore dump fines at an iron ore mine in India. The geotechnical study of the present dump slopes as well as a detailed numerical modeling of the proposed pit layout at different stages of mining of the dump has been presented in this article.

Mining | Special Issue : Recent Advances in Underground …
Cemented rock fill (CRF) is commonly used in cut-and-fill stoping operations in underground mining. This allows for the maximum recovery of ore. Backfilling can improve stope stability in underground workings and then improve ground stability of the whole mine site. However, backfilling step [...] Read more.

Analyzing Stability Conditions and Ore Dilution …
Ore dilution is a fundamental problem for the production process in underground mining operations. Especially in open stoping methods of underground mining, the continuous estimation, monitoring …

(PDF) Geotechnical approach to stope and pillar optimisation at Granny
An additional mining me thod which is locally referred to as 'bulk' is being carried out for mining multiple lodes (lenses) that are in close proximity (Gold Fields Australia 2013).

Ground Stability
Sub Surface provide Ground Stability Assessment Reports to assess the risk of ground instability from Mining and Natural Cavities nationwide. We design a site specific Site Investigation with regards to the risk of ground instability and the expected ground conditions, to identify the presences of any voids, low strength or loose infilled material …

Mining Regulation Guidance, Policies, References, and …
Stability Requirements. Stability Requirements for Heap Leach Pads ; ... waste rock and overburden, see the "Mining" tab. List of NDEP Approved Labs for Soil, Waste Rock, and Ore Sample Analyses; Monitoring and Sampling Information. Monitoring Well Design Guidance and Approved Monitoring and Sampling Methods ; NDEP Profile …

Research on the Influence of Backfilling Mining in an Iron …
The safe and efficient extraction of ore bodies under buildings contributes to the continued exploitation and utilization of mineral resources. To effectively reduce the mining-induced disturbance caused to surface buildings, the Vertical Crater Retreat (VCR) delayed backfilling method was applied at the Wuji iron mine according to mining theory …

Ground control in underground mines
Ground control engineers or specialists (typically mining engineers) who perform pre-mining stability analyses to understand the effects that mining induced stresses and geologic structure could have on the excavations and extraction sequences designed by planners, and who design ground support systems for mine excavations and …

Surface mining planning and design of open pit …
6. 1.2) Open pit Mining method Mine working open to the surface. It is usually employed to exploit a near- surface deposit or one that has a low stripping ratio. Operation designed to extract mineral deposits …

GPS monitoring and analysis of ground movement and deformation induced
Monitoring results show that large-scale ground movement and deformation have occurred in mining area, and the movement area is ellipse-shaped. The displacement boundary of settlement trough is 2.0 km long along the exploratory line, and 1.5 km long along the strike of ore body. GPS monitoring results basically agree with the practical ...

Key Elements of Tailing Pond Design
A good site will minimize the risk of tailings dam failure and reduce the environmental footprint of the mining operation. Material Selection for Dam Construction: The materials used for constructing the tailings dam are vital for its stability and longevity. Natural materials, such as compacted earth, rockfill, or engineered materials like ...

GeoRisk | Historic Mining and Ground Stability
Ground stability (non-mining, both natural and non-natural) BGS landslide data; Coastal Erosion data; GeoRisk provides a detailed assessment of mining and ground stability risk with the following key features: Fully comprehensive CON29M Official Coal Mining Search Report (including a mine entry interpretive assessment).