Comparative Study on performance of concrete with …
The fine aggregate used in this study is natural sand and robo sand as per requirements of IS 383-1970[8]. The Robo sand is manufactured from Vertical Shaft Impactor (V.S.I) using granite aggregate. The properties of fine aggregate are determined based on tests recommended IS 2386-1968[9]. The results are tabulated in table 2.

(PDF) A Study on Self Compacting Concrete Made with …
Key Words:: self-Compacting Concrete, GGBS, Robo Sand, Fresh and Hardened properties of concrete 1. INTRODUCTION The present study focus on the self compacting concrete made with GGBS and robo sand. In this study GGBS and robo sand are used at various proportions.

(PDF) Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Concrete …
Robo Sand (RB), derived from crushed rocks, and Glass Powder (GP), a byproduct of the glass manufacturing process, are two such alternatives that have gained attention due to their potential to ...

Study on Mechanical Properties of Concrete by using …
The effect of concrete with partial replacement of River sand with Robo sand and determining the properties of normal strength concrete with water cement ratio of 0.48,0.43 for 7 and 28day's compressive, split tensile and …

Improving Properties of Concrete Replacing Cement and Natural Sand …
2. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD23944 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 850 IV. Test RESULT 1. Workability The effect of Metakaolin and ROBO sand on fresh property concrete on …

Effect on Properties of Concrete with Carbon Black and …
Robo sand Robo Sand is derived by crushing stones in a quarry to obtain the desired granular material. The sand used in concrete must have a proper gradation of 150 microns to 4.75 mm. The fineness modulus of Robo sand is 2.52. The uniformity coefficient is less than 6and its specific gravity is 2.66. Pic:1Robo sand Pic:2 carbon black

properties of cement concrete. Results are compared with reference mix of 0% replacement of Natural sand by Robo sand.After 28 days, Compressive strength increase with increase of manufactured sand percentage. With 20% replacement: +1.84 N/mm2.With 40% replacement: + 2N/mm2. & With 60% replacement : +3.77N/mm2 ...

1.2 ROBO SAND ROBO sand is an ideal substitute to river sand. It is manufactured just the way nature has done for over a million years. ROBO sand is created by a rock-hit-rock crushing technique using state-of-the art plant and machinery with world class technology. ROBO sand is the

In the present investigation workability, strength and durability of concrete with manufactured sand as replacement to natural sand in proportions of 0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and is studied.

An Experimental Investigation on Fresh and Hardened …
Usage of robo of sand as the remedial measure to the river sand, robo sand will give the good results in terms fluidity and strength is nearly same to both up to some percentages [12]. The present research is investigates about the effect fineness modulus of sand on properties of self

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Robo sand?
Advantages of manufactured sand : Manufactured sand has a higher fineness modulus index as compared to natural sand; It has better abrasion resistance because manufactured sand is free from silt and clay. Lower Permeability; Higher unit weights; It has very less destructive to our environment because it highly reduces sand …

(PDF) Experimental Study on Strength Properties of …
Fig.1: Metakaolin 1.2 ROBO SAND ROBO sand is an ideal substitute to river sand. It is manufactured just the way nature has done for over a million years. ROBO sand is created by a rock-hit-rock crushing technique using state-of-the art plant and machinery with world class technology.

Robosand Vs. Natural sand: a Trade-Off? – Avisun Properties
'River sand' has been used for concrete mason work, and requires very little water. River-sand or natural-sand has better texture, is smooth and round in shape with extremely low 'silt' and 'clay' content. 'Silt' is super fine material that is not good for construction. 'River sand' contains very less of silt making it an ideal raw material for …

Experimental Study on Self Compaction Concrete with …
Based on fresh properties of SCC, fresh state properties of SCC like flow ability and passing ability in accordance IS10262-2009 guidelines were found with different percentage replacement of river sand by M-sand and obtained 20, 30 percent replacement as optimum. It is observed that the increase in percentage

Strength Performance Study of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Sand
This study aims at replacing sand and cement with ROBO sand and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) in the concrete mix. Here, GGBS and ROBO sand are chemically and physically ...

Manufactured Sand, RoboSand, RoboAggregates, …
Robo Silicon, for the first time in India, introduced "Manufactured Sand" as a viable, cost-effective and an eco-friendly alternative to the precious and fast depleting natural resource -river sand. Robo Silicon is the first …

Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Natural …
Keywords: Artificial/Robo/M –SAND, Natural sand, cement, concrete, course aggregate, Physical Properties, Mechanical Properties, Curing, Compressive strength. INTRODUCTION Cement, sand and aggregates are essential needs for the construction sector. Sand is an important material used in the manufacture of mortar and concrete and

Strength Performance Study of Concrete with Partial …
ROBO sand is known to have better performance compared to conventional river sand and is cheaper than river sand, and cement which acts as the binding material ... Stone dust acquires similar properties as river sand and thus accepted as a building material. It basically contains angular particles with rough texture that pass through 4.75 mm ...

(PDF) Performance And Behavior Of Concrete …
In this present experimental study, various properties of concrete have been studied using quarry dust (robo sand, artificial sand, stone dust) as a replacement of natural fine aggregate and ...

International Journal of Advanced Scientific …
200 TPH(Tons/Hr) of Robo shaped Aggregate of 20 mm & 10 mm size. Fig 3. Robo sand ADVANTAGES OF ROBO SAND contain organic and soluble compound that affects the …

Replacement of Sand by Robo Sand for using in M30 …
1.2 ROBO SAND The term "robo sand" refers to artificial sand that is created by crushing real granite. A crushed granite aggregate created by crushing natural granite stone is known as robo sand. Robo Sand is the ideal replacement for river sand. One of the primary components used in

Fig. 2 Robo Sand Table 4: Physical Properties of Robo Sand 3.1 General Table 5: Chemical Composition of Robo sand (XRF) 6 M20 2.3 Coarse Aggregate Locally available coarse aggregate having the maximum size of 20 mm was used in this work. The aggregate were washed to remove dust and dirt and were dried to surface dry condition.

An experimental investigation on strength characteristics by …
The concrete is widely used in the construction industry. River sand is commonly used construction material. Natural weathering of rocks results in the formation of river sand, over millions of years. Robo Sand (R.S) which is eco-pleasant serves as a partially substitute material for the depleting river sand.

Study on Properties of Concrete using Robosand as Fine …
The following conclusions were drawn from the study. The robosand can be used as a best alternative material for partial replacement of natural sand as fine aggregate and gives more compressive strength in order of 5.74% to 20% for M20 grade concrete and 8.2% …

Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Concrete with …
This technical introduction delves into the utilization of Robo Sand and Glass Powder as partial replacements for river sand in concrete, discussing their properties, benefits, …

Venu Malagavelli et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5107-5113 This paper presents the study of compressive strength and split tensile strength of M30 conventional concrete by replacing the 0 to 30% (5% increment) of sand with ROBO sand and 40 to 60% of cement with GGBS.

Evaluation of engineering properties of concrete by the …
Request PDF | Evaluation of engineering properties of concrete by the partial replacement of narutal river sand by robo sand | Concrete is the most versatile material used for construction all ...

(PDF) The Development Of High Performanced Concrete When Cement & Sand
Below table shows the test results of basic properties of GGBS. ROBO SAND: Robo sand is manufactured sand which is ecofriendly solution that serves as perfect substitute for the fast depleting and excessively mined river sand. Robo sand with size 0- 4.75 mm is suitable for all concrete preparations.

Replacement of Sand by Robo Sand for using in M30 …
1.3 PROPERTY OF ROBO SAND Experimental study In the current experiment, both conventional concrete and Robo sand concrete's design mix for M30 has been …

International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern …
Carbon black and robo sand/quarry dust plays an important role in enhancing the mechanical and durability properties of concrete. It has been also found out that it helps in making the concrete ...