All That Glitters is Not Gold: Turmoil in Zimbabwe's Mining …
In 2019, killings by machete-wielding gangs at Zimbabwe's gold mines jogged the government into preventive action. But police sweeps alone cannot make the sector safe. Harare should adopt reforms that allow more citizens to mine legally and head off disputes over the country's mineral wealth.

Mining Promotion Company
Mineral Exploration A leading exploration company with a wide range of expertise in mineral exploration that holds title to prospective land in Zimbabwe. Land title covers major minerals such as Gold, Copper, Lead, Zinc & Diamonds. Functions Reserved Areas Carrying out research into new or improved processes for the production, extraction or …

Understanding The New Mining Royalties Regulation In Zimbabwe
These royalties are remitted to the Revenue Authority adding on to the state reserve. All issues regarding minerals in Zimbabwe are governed by the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] together with other ancillary legislation like the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 22:15] together with the Finance Act.

Ministry of Mines and Mining Development
Zimbabwe's mining industry is focused on a diverse range of small to medium-mining operations. The most important minerals produced by Zimbabwe include gold, asbestos, chromite, coal and base metals. The mining industry contributes approximately 8% to the country's GDP. Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining …

Caledonia explores funding options to build …
Caledonia Mining Corp is exploring options to raise $250 million needed to develop its Bilboes project into what could be Zimbabwe's biggest gold mine. The company, which also owns the …

The gold mining game is on in Shurugwi
Speaking to Mining Zimbabwe, Kwekwe patron for women's association Perseviarance Zhou highlighted that her claim in Shurugwi has been profiting quite tremendously. Having huge gold pods which are …

Know About Dallaglio (Pvt) Ltd, Eureka Mine and Pickstone …
Once operational Eureka will be one of the largest and most technologically advanced mines in Zimbabwe. Our vision is to become Zimbabwe's leading gold mining …

How to get a gold buying permit in Zimbabwe
N.B: All custom millers are Fidelity Printers and Refiners' gold buying agents in terms of SI 178 of 2005 section 3. Gold delivered to Fidelity Printers and Refiners centres is paid for on the spot after carrying out a specific gravity determination of …

Zimbabwe Mining fees in USD
Zimbabwe Mining fees in Zimbabwe in USD. The fees pegged in USD in the Schedule above shall be payable in Zimbabwean dollars at the prevailing official interbank ... These fees were gazetted by the Mines and Mining Development Ministry in 2021. ... Geological map of Zimbabwe 1:000 000: 20,00: Gold deposits maps 1:000 000: 20,00: …

Mining Zimbabwe
Mining Zimbabwe is a reliable source of unfiltered Zimbabwe Mining News. Learn about Mining in Zimbabwe, Policy, Monthly magazine, mining events, gold, lithium. HOME; NEWS; ... Zimbabwe gold buying prices per gram 19 September 2024. September 19, 2024; 0 Shares. NEWS. Small-Scale Miners Responsible for Huge ZESA Debt – …

State of mining industry report
A COUPLE of weeks back, Zimbabwe Chamber of Mines published its state of the mining industry survey report looking at issues faced by the industry and prospects for 2022. To ensure objectivity, the Chamber states that its involvement was restricted to sponsoring and facilitating access to information to its members who form a …

Top 10 Gold-mining Companies (Updated 2024) | INN
Production: 106.8 tons. Agnico Eagle Mines produced 106.8 tons of gold in 2023 to take the third spot on this top 10 gold companies list. The company has 11 operating mines in Canada, Australia ...

Know About Dallaglio (Pvt) Ltd, Eureka Mine and Pickstone Peerless Mine
Once operational Eureka will be one of the largest and most technologically advanced mines in Zimbabwe. Our vision is to become Zimbabwe's leading gold mining company, creating value for our people now and in generations to come. Together we strive to innovate, explore, build, and operate gold mining assets in a world class way.

Zimbabwe may sell 40% stake in a key gold mine to raise …
Zimbabwe's state-owned Kuvimba Mining House is broadening its search for equity partners and financiers for its gold and lithium mines in a bid to raise capital and expand mineral production.

Gold buyers form Association, a first in Zimbabwe
Due to the increasing concerns over gold smuggling and leakages, gold buyers in the country have created the "National Gold Buyers Association" aimed at improving gold production and deliveries to Fidelity Printers and Refiners to achieve the President's vision for the gold subsector achieve US$4 BILLION by 2023. Rudairo …

Large scale mining operations in Zimbabwe
The Renco Mine is 100 per cent owned by RioZim Limited. The mining rights are held through mining claims, a mining lease, and a special grant covering a total area of 2 736 hectares. The mine is …

Benefits, concerns of illegal artisanal gold mining in Zim
In addition to environmental concerns, artisanal gold mining in Zimbabwe raises significant social and human rights issues.Furthermore, the influx of people into mining areas can lead to social ...

Appraisal of Corporate Social Responsibility of Mining …
Contribution of mining companies to sustainable development About 63% (i.e. 76 of 120) of the participants of the focus group discussions identified an enhanced shareholder value and lack of ...

Mazowe underground reopening – a very tall …
Metallon Gold Corporation's Mazowe Mining Company (MMC) recently announced plans to resume underground Shaft operations at its Jumbo Mine in Mazowe as part of its corporate strategy with …

Eureka in first gold smelt
The other one is Pickstone Peerless mine which had not been operational for 44 years. "This milestone was achieved by a very focused and dedicated Delta Gold Zimbabwe team who have gone above and beyond in many ways to make Eureka a success, despite the many challenges faced along the way. "Congratulations to all of the …

(PDF) Artisanal and small-scale mining ( chikorokoza ) of gold …
Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) of gold in Zimbabwe is undertaken either through the exploitation of reefs or alluvial placer deposits. Millions of makorokozas (illegal gold miners in local ...

Top ten gold producers in Zimbabwe 2019
These are the top ten gold producers in Zimbabwe. 1. Freda Rebecca. Freda Rebecca is the largest gold producer in Zimbabwe. It's located close to Bindura's Trojan Nickel mine, 90km north of Harare. It mines 3,000 tonnes of ore and removes 8,000 bank of overburden on an average …

Mining | Padenga Holdings Limited | Dallaglio Investments
Dallaglio Investments is a subsidiary of Padenga Holdings and is a gold mining company located in Zimbabwe, which develops and operates commercial scale gold mines. Our …

Exploring the Rich History of the Umkondo Basin
In October 2023 Mining Zimbabwe and other Media outlets were invited to the Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (ZCDC) to have an appreciation of how the Diamond miner was faring in terms of …

Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in Zimbabwe can significantly contribute to the economy and improve livelihoods but an enabling regulatory environment is lacking to achieve this vision.

Security of Mining Rights in Zimbabwe: The …
It is regrettable to note that mining rights conferred to a miner by a certificate of registration of claims, mining lease, special mining lease and a special grant are all susceptible compulsory acquisition by …

Caledonia starts direct export of gold produced in Zimbabwe
It is expected to enhance the miner's ability to secure funds for new projects. Caledonia CEO Mark Learmonth stated: "In the ten years or so during which Blanket Mine has sold its gold in-country (initially to the RBZ, and more recently to FGR) we have experienced very few difficulties in receiving payment within the prescribed period; when …

Mining Zimbabwe Magazine
Edition 74 of the Mining Zimbabwe Magazine is now out. The edition highlights key developments and trends in the Zimbabwean mining sector. This edition covers a wide range of topics including advancements in mining technology, regulatory changes, and significant industry events.

Defold Mine (PVT) Ltd
Development of a sustainable small scale gold mining sector that would minimise gold leakages and harness the potential of the gold sector in Zimbabwe. ... that harbours and fosters economically and commercially …