Analysis of the relationship between the water retention …
Analysis of the relationship between the water retention curve, particle size and pore size distribution in the characterization of a collapsible porous clay 856, 1979. [32] C. Lapierre, S ...

The creep characteristics and related evolution of particle …
However, for Group CS with large particle size of calcareous sand, more particle crushing can be developed during creep, and the produced fine particles fill inner and outer pores, which improves the gradation distribution and significantly enhances the strength. 3.2.2. Relationship of creep deformation and time

Porosity and Pore-size Distribution of Soil Aggregates PDF …
Relationship Between Pore Size, Particle Size, Aggregate Size and Water Characteristics PDF Download Are you looking for read ebook online? Search for your book and save it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Download Relationship Between Pore Size, Particle Size, Aggregate Size and Water Characteristics PDF full book.

Sample Size Effects on Petrophysical …
The gas physisorption method has also been used to analyze the relationship between pore structure and sample size [22,23,24,25]. Liu et al. suggests that the process of coal and shale …

Effect of Particle Size and Constraint Conditions on Single Particle …
This can be because more voids and defects can be found in larger-sized calcareous sand particles. Similar to the results of quartz sand, although the relationship between particle strength and particle size has high dispersion, it showed an exponential relationship for average values. The smaller the particle size, the higher the particle ...

Modeling of the Correlation Between Mineral Size and Shale Pore
Inorganic pore structures are critical to understand the oil and gas transport and storage properties of unconventional reservoirs. However, it can be difficult to quantitatively and qualitatively interpret the relationship between the inorganic pore structure and particle arrangement in terms of particle size and the brittle and clay …

Fractal relationship between energy and particle size …
Steacy and Sammis (1991) further extended the classical fractal geometry and proposed a fractal model of particle breakage, as shown in Fig. 2.In Fig. 2, it is assumed that a cubic particle with the size of 1 was broken according to the similarity ratio of 1/2, and the areas without a refined grid were empty in this particle.The particle was …

Relationship between Particle Size Distribution and …
ical relationships for estimating permeability are introduced in Section 2.3. Key factors in the permeability estim. tion are the particle size distribution and the porosity of the porous …

Effect of Shale Sample Particle Size on Pore Structure …
The incremental mercury intrusion volume of shale samples with different particle sizes: (a) complete curve; (b) pore size range of 20 nm-10 μm; (c) pore size range of 3-20 nm; (d) the relationship between the incremental pore volume difference with 5000 μm particle size and pore diameter; (e) the relationship between incremental pore …

Effects of size and shape on the crushing strength of coral …
He proposed a particle failure criterion that considers particle roundness and elastic and plastic features while discussing the relationship between particle crushing strength and size, roundness, and stress induced within. When it comes to the effect of shape on coral sand particles' breakage, however, there have been few studies.

Particle size effect on pore structure characteristics of lignite
For decreasing lignite particle sizes, the change in pore specific surface area and pore volume can be calculated using the formula: Δ YM1-YMn, where YM1 represents the subsample with the largest particle size, YMn refers to subsamples where the particle size decreases sequentially (YM3, YM4, YM5, YM6, YM7, and YM8, respectively), and Δ ...

Effect of gas pressure and particle size on dynamic diffusion
This study investigates the influence mechanism of particle size and gas pressure on the dynamic diffusion law of CO2 in coal. We used a self-developed high pressure adsorption and desorption experimental system for coal seam to analyze the dynamic adsorption-diffusion characteristics before the adsorption equilibrium of gas in …

Influence of coke particle size on pore structural …
To study the relationship between coke particle size and porous structure, helium density measurements were carried out (Table 4). ... Although large pores are lost during crushing, crushing the coke to smaller particle sizes exposes small pores within the structural matrix that would otherwise be undetected. This was shown by an …

DEM study on the effect of pore characteristic on single …
A series of discrete element simulations of single-particle crushing test were conducted on the porous particle modeled as an assembly of boned elementary blocks. …

Pore Size vs. Particle Size in HPLC Columns
In HPLC, a narrow particle size distribution is desirable. A particle size distribution of dp ± 10% would mean that 90% of the particles fall between 9 and 11 µm for an average 10 µm dp packing. The …

What is the relationship between total pore space and …
Is there any relationship between particle size and pore space? Porosity varies depending on particle size and aggregation. It is greater in clayey and organic soils than in sandy soils. A large number of small particles in a volume of soil produces a large number of soil pores. Fewer large particles can occupy the same volume of soil so there ...

Study on the influence of microcracks of coarse aggregate …
The relationship between the microcracks of a single particle and the crushing strength was studied by virtual experiments. The three-dimensional profile of a single particle was obtained by CT-scanning technology. The particle bonding model is used to fill the three-dimensional contour to construct virtual particles, and the virtual …

Study on the evolution of pore structure and desorption …
By observing the pore size distribution diagram obtained by using the BJH model, it can be found that the pore size distribution of different particle sizes has a certain similarity, and the pore volume is the largest at around 10 nm, and then gradually decreases with an increase of the pore size (Except 1–3 mm and 0.074–0.2 mm …

Influence of the particle morphology and internal porosity
As can be seen, the distribution of natural coral sand's particle sizes falls primarily between 0.5 and 5 mm, with the particle size content making up >76% of the entire sample. In light of this, the research work's particle size. Effect of mineral composition and particle size on roundness. Particle roundness degree is referred to …

Experimental study on particle size distribution of impact …
Relationship between particle size distribution and gas pressure3.2.1. ... Relationship between crushing work ratio and gas pressure. ... Previous studies showed that with the pore structure of coal particles will be damaged as the particle size decreases, while the gas desorption capacity increases accordingly. ...

The relationship between the pore size distribution and the …
The results indicate that the decrease in the alumina particle size from 7.26 μm to 2.37 μm has little influence on both the apparent porosity and bulk density of castables. ... The cold modulus of rupture and crushing strength were increased by 201 % and 120 %, respectively. ... The relationship between the pore size distribution and the ...

2014: Particle size effect on porosity and specific surface …
Specific surface area is constant between 1.6mm and 0.7mm, but increases between 0.7mm and 0.07mm. These changes in porosity and specific surface area reflect the …

The relationship between pore structure and strength of …
The reason for the larger porosity of A100 compared to A0 at 20 °C is that the particle size of AS is smaller than that of RS, and the particle size is concentrated in the range of 0.1–0.3 mm. A large amount of AS replaced RS, resulting in a …

Using pore size distribution and porosity to estimate particle …
Pore expansion and particle migration are therefore an interactive process that lead suffusion in sand–gravel mixtures. Moreover, there is a probable relationship between migration particle size and pore size distribution and porosity changes during …

Relationships between particle size and fracture energy or …
In general, the size reduction energy or the crushing resistance are expressed by a function of a particle size [1, 2] and increase with a decrease in feed size. 0032-5910/87/$3.50 It was well known that the rate of grinding decreases gradually with a decrease in produced particle size or with an increase in grinding time or with an …

Effect of Shale Sample Particle Size on Pore Structure …
The incremental mercury intrusion volume of shale samples with different particle sizes: (a) complete curve; (b) pore size range of 20 nm-10 μm; (c) pore size …

Relationship between soil water content and soil particle size …
The deepest sampling depth was 5 m because the effect of artificial vegetation on soil moisture is deep in the Loess Plateau and the root system range of most plants is generally concentrated at a depth of 0–5 m (Fang et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2014b).Samples were collected at 20-cm intervals between 0 and 1 m and at 100-cm …

Relationship between particle size uniformity and porosity.
Relationship between particle size uniformity and porosity. ... crush sand, and gravel sand. ... using pore size or grain size data, ...

Coal pore size distribution and adsorption capacity …
Coal pore size distribution and adsorption capacity controlled by the coalification in China. ... Approximately 200 g of coal samples with a particle size ranging from 0.25 to 0.18 mm (60–80 mesh) were prepared. ... Download full-size image; Fig. 2. Relationship between industrial components and R O [[30], ...

Relationship between Particle Size Distribution and …
Relationship between Particle Size Distribution and Porosity in Dump Leaching by Shuo Zhang B.Sc, The University of Waterloo, 2015 A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of