Dual role of gypsum: Set retarder and strength …
Gypsum is the set retarder for ordinary portland cement (OPC). Without gypsum, ground clinker exhibits flash setting in a few minutes, due to the rapid hydration of

Investigations of Ettringite Morphology with the Use of …
Title: Investigations of Ettringite Morphology with the Use of Different Retarders in CSA/OPC Blends Author(s): Tristana Duvallet, Robert Rathbone, Robert Jewell, Christopher Moore Publication: Symposium Paper Volume: 362 Issue: Appears on pages(s): 828-840 Keywords: calcium sulfoaluminate cement, compressive strength, …

A comparison of the performance of various synthetic …
This paper compares the plant performances of various synthetic gypsums used as set regulators in cement. The decision about the suitability of a specific gypsum was based on measurements and comparisons of the specific areas (Blaine), initial setting time (min), final setting time (h), SO 3 content and compressive strength of the OPC …

Efficiency of Different Superplasticizers and Retarders on …
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) has been widely used as the main binder for production of concrete in the construction industry. ... Retarders (RTs) are often added to OPC-based concrete to increase its setting time [38,39,40,41,42,43]. Similar to SPs, RTs were also developed to work in OPC-based system. Previous studies have investigated …

Effects of combination of retarders on calcium …
Heat evolution of CSA cement with citric acid and borax and their combinations dosages varying 0, 1 and 2% by cement mass. Note that time is shown on a logarithmic axis in order to show the highly ...

Study of Different Composition of Gypsum as Retarder in …
Gypsum plays a crucial role in cement. Though it is used in a small quantity, in the range of 2.5-3.0 percent in terms of SO3, gypsum's role in cement is significant, more predominantly at early ages.

Cement retarding mechanism of phosphonates and their …
Introduction Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is a crucial ingredient in the construction materials concrete and mortar. 1 It comprises several compounds, including silicate, …

Dual role of gypsum: Set retarder and strength …
One of the most important uses of natural gypsum is the manufacture of ordinary Portland cement (OPC), which is included in amounts of 2.5-5%, acting as an OPC setting time retarder [42, 43]. If ...

of Accelerators and Retarders in Early of Concrete …
Materials 2020, 13, 1505 3 of 17 Table 2. Physical properties of the materials employed. Material Property OPC ASTM Type I Ordinary Portland cement Density: 3150 kg/m 3, fineness: 330 m2/kg FA

Use of waste gypsum to replace natural gypsum as set retarders …
The present study is focused on clarifying the influence of waste gypsum (WG) in replacing natural gypsum (NG) in the production of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). WG taken from slip casting moulds in a ceramic factory was formed from the hydration of plaster of paris. Clinker and 3–5 wt% of WG was ground in a laboratory ball …

Evaluation of date kernel powder (DKP) for potential use as …
The efficacy of date kernel powder (DKP) as a retarder in OPC concrete mixes, by replacing cement at percentages ranging from 0.5% to 5%, and its effect of the fresh and hardened properties including the workability, density, setting times, heat of hydration, mechanical and thermal properties are presented. ...

Evaluation of date kernel powder (DKP) for potential use as …
The cement used to produce the concrete mixes was ordinary Portland cement (OPC) Type 1 from the Qassim cement factory in Saudi Arabia. Table 1 shows the results of the chemical analysis of the OPC. ... (DKP) as a retarder in OPC concrete mixes, by replacing cement at percentages ranging from 0.5% to 5%, and its effect of …

(PDF) Effects of Accelerators and Retarders in Early Strength
Previous research has shown that accelerators in concrete promotes Early strength of concrete with OPC and secure its constructability using additional retarders to control the quick setting of ...

Effects of combination of retarders on CSA cement …
Keywords: calcium sulfoaluminate cement, hydration, retarders, compressive strength, setting time. 1 Introduction . Although OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) is the most commonly used concrete binder, it consumes 10-11 EJ of energy annually, and during its manufacturing process emits high amounts of carbon dioxide (Juenger et al.,

HyCon R 3100 F
HyCon® R 3100 F is a construction additive retarder in powder form. It is a setting retarder selectively delaying the gypsum formation, without affecting the subsequent hardening of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). It is used for retardation of binary flowable dry mortar products to adjust the desired workability time. HyCon® R 3100 F is designed for binder …

What is the Difference between OPC and PPC Cement
Key Takeaways • OPC and PPC cement are crucial for construction, influencing structure durability and strength. • Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is versatile, coming in grades like OPC 33, 43, and 53, each with distinct strengths. • Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) offers benefits like lower heat of hydration and enhanced resistance to chemicals.

Review and Experimental Investigation of Retarder for Alkali …
Hence setting adjustment is critical in such AAC systems. This paper reviews state-of-the-art in the area of retarders for AAC systems. The most promising prospective retarders such as zinc salts, borax, sucrose, and phosphates are investigated. The retarder's effect is dependent on the precursor materials and alkaline activators used.

Study of Acrylic Acid-co-Polyethylene Glycol Allyl Ether as Cement
Cement testing procedures, lab test results, logistical and operational aspects, and case histories from East Texas and the Gulf of Mexico are presented and discussed. The study demonstrates that AA-co-PEGAE is applicable as retarder in API cement slurries from ambient temperatures to at least 550 °F without negatively …

Retarder effect on hydrating oil well cements investigated …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Retarder effect on hydrating oil well cements investigated using in situ neutron/X-ray pair distribution function analysis" by K. Kupwade-Patil et al. ... gel is the main binder component in hydrated ordinary Portland cement (OPC) paste, and is known to play a crucial role in the carbonation of …

Unlocking the potential of ordinary Portland cement with …
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is the core ingredient of many construction materials. In 2022, 4.1 billion tons were used worldwide, contributing to ~8% of CO2 emissions ( ~ 3 Gt/year).

A plant investigation into the use of treated
Gypsum from a Tioxide plant can be successfully used as set retarders for OPC cement if the handling problems can be solved. In this case, no significant difference in either initial or final ...

HyCon R 7200 F
HyCon® R 7200 F is a construction additive retarder in powder form. It is a setting retarder selectively delaying the gypsum formation, without affecting the subsequent hardening of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). It is used for retardation of gypsum based dry mortars. HyCon® R 7200 F is designed for binder concept: alpha or beta hemihydrate rich with …

Effects of Saccharide Set Retarders on the Hydration of …
The 28-day compressive strength of concrete with the selected retarders, including HOFA, was similar to that of OPC concrete, and it ranged from 48.4 to 52.6 MPa.

Influence of sodium gluconate on the performance and …
Sodium gluconate is commonly used to delay the setting of cement and concrete. This study investigated the effects of sodium gluconate on the physical properties and structure of Portland cement. Sodium gluconate improved the compressive strength at 3 and 28 days, delayed cement setting and increased the fluidity of the …

Effects of Accelerators and Retarders in Early Strength …
Evidently, CSA in combination with Na 2 SO 4 as an accelerator promoted the early strength of concrete with OPC and secured its constructability using additional …

Effects of Saccharide Set Retarders on the Hydration of …
Sucrose is one of the most effective; addition of 0.075 wt% to ordinary portland cement (OPC) increases the set time from approximately 2.5–31 h.1 Taplin2 observed that organic retarders typically possess one or more pairs of oxygen atoms that are located on adjacent or closely neighboring carbons and thus capable of complexing metal ions ...

Influence of set retarding admixtures on calcium …
Setting time results of CSA1 and CSA2 cement pastes with dosages of retarder varying from 0 to 3%, and 0 to 2%, respectively, and OPC paste with no …

Sika® Retarder-22 | Concrete Admixture
Sika® Retarder-22 is a phosphate based liquid admixture that slows the cement hydration; delaying the initial set in direct proportion to the dosage used. ... Sika® Retarder-22 may be combined with all types of Portland cement (OPC and SRC), concretes containing pozzolanic materials such as GGBS, PFA, micro-silica and the following Sika products:

Influence of set retarding admixtures on calcium sulfoaluminate cement
All OPC and CSA pastes investigated in this study were prepared at a w/c by mass of 0.40. The experimental matrix, mixture parameters (including citric acid dosages) and corresponding tests are detailed in Table 4.Pastes for isothermal calorimetry, compressive strength testing, and nitrogen adsorption testing were prepared using a 5 …

OPC Cement: What is OPC in Cement & its benefits | JK Cement
Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement 4. The following are the physical properties of OPC: Fineness: It indicates the particle size of cement which impacts the surface area and, in turn, the heat of hydration.; Soundness: Soundness of cement is the volume change when its set and hardened. Setting Time: Setting time is the taken by the cement and …