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John Grinder
John Grinder studies Devolution, Secession, and Interest Groups (Political Science).

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John Grinder (1971). "A Reply to Super Equi-NP Deletion as Dative Deletion". in Douglas, A.. Papers from the Seventh Regional meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society. Chicago, Illinois.. pp. 101–111. John Grinder (1972). "On the Cycle in Syntax". in John P. Kimball. Syntax and Semantics I. New York, Academic Press. pp. 81–112.

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Shanghai super mineral micro powder grinder,super ultra, Double supply super thin mill for sale, our super thin mill sales to Indonesia,nignia,Germany,South Africa,etc Double super thin mill is your primary choice. Get Price; Taiwan Waving Style Super Micro Grinder taiwantrade. Apr 05, 2012· Waving Style Super Micro Grinder, …

Phrase Structure Grammar: the next generation
Grinder, John. (1970). Super-equi-NP-deletion. In Papers from the Sixth Regional Meeting of The Chicago Linguistic Society. ... In Nerbonne, John, Netter, …

On Deletion Phenomena in English
John Thomas Grinder Full view - 2019 Common terms and phrases affected term anaphors antecedent application of EQUI-NP ation chain of coreference Chaining Constraint Chomsky claim clause mate consider Controller Cross-Over Constraint controller/antecedent coreferential deletion transformation coreferential nodes deep …

Richard Bandler [klzzr8706vlg]
Richard Bandler Richard Bandler Richard Bandler ( 24 de febrero de 1950) es un psicólogo estadounidense, cofundador (junto a John Grinder) de la técnica conocida como programación neurolingüística (PNL). El autor es además creador del sistema denominado Design Human Engineering (DHE) y de la técnica del repatterning neurohipnótico, …

Up to D[eb]ate on Raising and Control Part 2: The Empirical …
This is the second part of a two-part article that reviews a number of the current debates regarding raising and control constructions. The issues addressed in this part include the spectrum of related raising (e.g. possessor raising, further raising) and control (partial, split, generic, super-equi) phenomena; cross-linguistic typology, …

Control And Extraposition: The Case Of Super-Equi
Previous analyses of control in Super-Equi have failed to account forthe entire paradigm of relevant cases. A new generalization is stated:Obligatory Control (OC) obtains in …

Argument Structure and Animacy Restrictions on …
Grinder, John T. (1970). Super equi-N P deletion. I n Mary Ann Campbell, James. Lindholm, A lice Davison, W illiam Fisher, Louanna Furbee, J ulie Lo vins, Ed-ward Maxwell, J ohn Reighard, and ...

John Grinder az angol Wikipedián
John Thomas Grinder Jr. (/ ˈ ɡ r ɪ n d ər / GRIN-dər; born January 10, 1940) is an American linguist, author, management consultant, trainer and speaker.Grinder is credited with co-creating neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) with Richard Bandler.He is co-director of Quantum Leap Inc., a management consulting firm founded by his partner Carmen …

Pnl [k5461wkp3xn8]
John Grinder (1970). "Super Equi-NP Deletion". Papers from the Sixth Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society. University of Chicago. pp. 297–317. John Grinder (1971). On Deletion Phenomena in English. Dissertation Abstracts: Section A. Humanities and Social Science (PhD. linguistics). 32: 2077A. University of California, San Diego.

Argument Structure and Animacy Restrictions on Anaphora
Grinder (1970), wh o was the first to discuss these constructi ons in detail, noticed that not all instances of Super Equi-NP are grammatical, as e xe mplifi ed by the following …

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John Grinder (mil novecientos setenta). "Super Equi-NP Deletion". Papers from the Sixth Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society. University of Chicago. pp. 297–317. John Grinder (mil novecientos setenta y uno). On Deletion Phenomena in English. Dissertation Abstracts: Section A. Humanities and Social Science (PhD. linguistics). 32: 2077A.

Control And Extraposition: The Case Of Super-Equi
struction type: The Super-Equi construction. As it turns out, an in-depth investigation of this construction sheds interesting light on the nature of both control and extraposition. At the very least, novel generalizations will be formulated that were not captured before. The Super-Equi construction, first studied (and named) by Grinder

Control and Extraposition: The Case of Super-Equi
The Super-Equi construction, first studied (and named) by Grinder (1970), poses a non-trivial challenge to any syntactic account of control - the challenge of locality. To appreciate the problem, consider the following paradigm: (1 )a. Mary knew that it disturbed John [PRO to perjure himself/*herself]. b. Mary knew that it damaged John [PRO to ...

John Grinder | Controversial Hypnotist.com
John Thomas Grinder, Jr.[1] (/ˈɡrɪndər/ GRIN-dər; born January 10, 1940) is an American linguist, author, management consultant, trainer and speaker. Grinder is credited with co-creating Neuro-linguistic programming, with Richard Bandler. He is co-director of Quantum Leap Inc., a management consulting firm founded by his partner Carmen ...

Control and Extraposition: The Case of Super-Equi
first studied (and named) by Grinder (1970), poses a non-trivial challenge to any syntactic account of control -the challenge of locality. The basic paradigm that Grinder observed …

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The Super-Equi construction, first studied (and named) by Grinder (1970), poses a non-trivial challenge to any syntactic account of control – the challenge of locality. To appreciate the problem, consider the following paradigm: (1)a.

Mazzer Philos Coffee Grinder — Equilibrium Intertrade …
Mazzer Philos is a premium light commercial single dose flat burr grinder designed to help you get the most out of your coffee. Its elegant design, accurate machining, and superior materials make it the ideal choice for demanding baristas looking for quality in small spaces. ... Mazzer Super Jolly V Pro Electronic Black Mazzer. Original price ...

Control in Generative Grammar
Super-Equi and the Intervention Constraint. In Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of North Eastern Linguistic Society, 13 –28. UMASS ...

Chains in Minimalism
Grinder, John. 1970. "Super equi-NP deletion." In Papers from the Sixth Regional Meeting - Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society (ed.), 297–317. University of Chicago.

Control Phenomena
Control phenomena have been at the center of syntactic theorizing almost since the inception of generative grammar. To first approximation, control is an interpretive dependency between two arguments: a lexicalized noun phrase (the controller) and a null argument in a dependent clause (the controllee), as in Sandy hopes [∅ to succeed].The …

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waving style super mikro grinder - perkinspreschool. Oct 10, 2017· waving style super micro grinder video - ninanscollegeorg super thin grinder drawing india Next Productbest wet grinder to buy in india RL Equipmentswaving. Waving Style Super Mikro Grinder 2- EXODUS Mining machine.

Squibs and Discussion
ample Grinder (1970), who claims that such sentences are derived by the application of Super-Equi (an unbounded rule, collapsible with the local rule of Equi (see Rosenbaum …

or missing parasitic gaps for the
John Grinder John Th omas Gr inder, Jr.[ 1 ] ( / ˈ ɡr ɪ ndə r / GRIN-d ər; born January 10, 1940) is an American linguist, author, management consultant, trainer and speaker. …

Control And Extraposition: The Case Of Super-Equi
Another subclass of control constructions, known as "Super-Equi" (Grinder 1970), includes constructions like (18), in which the controller is separated from the controllee by an …

Control And Extraposition: The Case Of Super-Equi
Another subclass of control constructions, known as "Super-Equi" (Grinder 1970), includes constructions like (18), in which the controller is separated from the controllee by an intervening tensed ...

Control and Extraposition: The Case of Super-Equi
The Super-Equi construction, first studied (and named) by Grinder (1970), poses a non-trivial challenge to any syntactic account of control - the challenge of locality. To …