(PDF) Crime and Economic Development in South Africa: A …
PDF | On May 1, 2021, Leward Jeke and others published Crime and Economic Development in South Africa: A Panel Data Analysis | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Full list of research institutions in South Africa (2024)
The facility is South Africa's premier research institute on international issues and is responsible for advancing a well-governed, peaceful, economically sustainable, and globally engaged Africa. 18. South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) SAMRC promotes the improvement of health in South Africa. Photo: …

Apartheid | South Africa, Definition, Facts, Beginning, & End
Apartheid was a policy in South Africa that governed relations between the white minority and nonwhite majority during the 20th century. Formally established in 1948, it sanctioned racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against nonwhites. Apartheid legislation was largely repealed in the early 1990s.

South Africa | IDRC
South Africa has enjoyed considerable growth since the end of apartheid in 1994, but the benefits are distributed unequally. Many citizens still lack clean water, proper health care, and economic opportunity. Our support has focused on finding solutions for these challenges, along with ways to capitalize on the country's strong research capacity.

Small-Scale Agriculture as a Panacea in Enhancing South African …
The small-scale agricultural sector is considered as an indispensable role player in improving the South African rural economies by means of enhancing sustainable rural livelihoods.

(PDF) Mineral policy impact on South Africa's …
This report summa rises an empirical analy sis of the impact of key Gov ernment policy interventions s ince the advent of democracy. in South Africa on the mining sector. This analysis has be en ...

South Africa: Broken and unequal: The state of education in South
South Africa is failing too many of its young people when it comes to education. Although it has made significant progress since the end of apartheid in widening access this has not always translated into a quality education for all pupils. The system continues to be dogged by stark inequalities and chronic underperformance that have […]

Effectiveness of technology transfer in public research institutions …
Inequalities across society and within public research institutions. Prior to the democratic era, which started with the first elections in 1994, the country's highly unequal socio-economic class, gender and spatial structure was strongly associated with the racial categories spawned in earlier colonial discourses, and then intensively …

(PDF) The Legalisation of Cannabis in South …
The recent legalisation of cannabis in South Africa has created a sizable market for the importation of cannabis products into the country. The cannabis-masterplan explains how the value creation ...

South African research in the context of Africa and globally
South Africa's research performance. Table 1 shows the number of publications produced by South African researchers during the two 10-year periods ending November 2004 and November 2005. The country has a presence in all 22 disciplines in the ESI database, indicating that it reaches the minimum thresholds in all disciplines. ...

Investing in South Africa's Mining and Mineral …
> South Africa has the world's largest reserves of platinum group metals (PGMs) and manganese, and some of the largest gold, diamonds, chromite ore and vanadium …

Renewable Energy Prospects: South Africa
South Africa could realistically, and cost-effectively, supply 49% of its electricity mix from renewables by 2030, nearly a third higher than the share to be expected from current plans and policies, the report finds. ... Undertake research in key areas for the energy transformation (including innovative technologies and socio-economic aspects ...

National Research Foundation – Promoting and Supporting Research
South Africa's innovation revolution must assist in solving our society's deep and pressing socio-economic challenges. Global competitiveness, shrinking resource availability, and the requirements of a skilled labour force mean that, increasingly, an awareness and understanding of why science and research are critical to our lives is ...

South Africa – Mining by the numbers, 2023
Research. South Africa – Mining by the numbers, 2023. Blog. Major Copper Discoveries. Blog. Japan M&A By the Numbers: Q4 2023. ... a slump in profits due to weakening commodity prices and logistical challenges presented a tough scenario to voters in South Africa as the country went to the polls May 29, 2024, with voting …

Renewable Energy Technologies in the Global South: Insights from Africa
African countries accounting for the highest shares of renewables include South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morrocco, ... enhance research, development, technology and innovations; stimulate demand; and promote the adoption of affordable technologies.Africa, therefore, requires technical, human and financial partnerships to …

Understanding South Africa's Mining Industry …
The Minerals Council South Africa and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) have memorandum of understanding to conduct the survey to gain a full understanding of the RD&I …

From Africa to the World: Reimagining Africa's research …
Africa sits on a keg of gun powder. Despite having over 15% of the world's population and about a quarter of the global burden of disease, she has less than 3% of the world's health care professionals and barely 1% of global research output [].This is not surprising as Sub-Saharan Africa averagely contributes about 0.4% of its Gross …

South Africa: IP Management and the …
1 South Africa: IP Management and the Commercialization of Publicly Funded Research Outcomes Jennifer Brant and McLean Sibanda 1 1 The authors thank the Edison Fellowship program at the George Mason University School of Law for supporting this project. They also thank Jay Kesan, Mark Schultz, Kerry Faul, Sebastian Lohse, and …

Mining and Minerals in South Africa | The Oxford Handbook …
Prior to 1994 she worked in various universities in Africa and the United States. She is a member of the National Minimum Wage Commission. Her research and publications …

The influence of certain factors on South African …
2. Problem investigated. SMEs play a vital role in all economies around the world, as they are responsible for creating jobs, alleviating poverty, contributing to innovation, as well as to the GDP of a country (Cant & …

Research Design A research design is the 'procedures for collecting, analyzing, interpreting and reporting data in research studies' (Creswell & Plano Clark 2007, p.58).

(PDF) Mineral policy impact on South Africa's mining
South Africa, South African National Treasury, South African Department of Mineral Resources, and the World Bank D atabase, as well as relevan t national data bases of selected comparison co untries.

Contextual Challenges in South Africa: The Role of a Research …
This article parallels a debate similar to the one in Canada and elsewhere where researchers whose work involves humans now operate under a single ethics policy, with a strong biomedical emphasis. The institution of research ethics committees for humanities and social sciences in South Africa are relatively recent, posing unique …

Understanding South Africa's mining industry …
The Minerals Council South Africa and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) have agreed a memorandum of understanding to conduct the survey to gain a comprehensive overview of the RD&I …

Poverty and inequality in South Africa: critical reflections
In their extensive review of inequality trends in South Africa, Hundenborn et al. (Citation 2016) find that overall inequality in South Africa, according to the Gini coefficient of income, decreased slightly between 1993 and 2014, from 0.681 to 0.655, despite a temporary increase accompanying the global financial crisis, when inequality …

South Africa Solar Energy Market Size | Mordor Intelligence
The South Africa Solar Energy Market is expected to reach 6.68 gigawatt in 2024 and grow at a CAGR of 10.56% to reach 11.03 gigawatt by 2029. Canadian Solar Inc., IBC Solar AG, Segen Solar(Pty) Ltd, ARTsolar (Pty) Ltd and Energy Partners Holdings (Pty) Ltd are the major companies operating in this market.

C40 Cities launches research on South Africa …
"The research not only shows the potential for green job creation in South Africa, but also symbolises the potential for other African countries to harness the power of cities to unlock green jobs and realise …

Committed to mining research for the benefit of south …
The CSIR is committed to undertaking research, development and innovation to benefit the South African mining sector. The organisation affirmed this commitment through the …

Africa Institute of South Africa
The Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) undertakes basic and applied policy-relevant research that focuses on the development challenges and opportunities facing the African continent. It seeks to provide leadership and harness African agency in the drive for the transformation of African societies into dynamic, peaceful, prosperous spaces.

Full article: Examining the South African labour …
According to Statistics South Africa (StatsSA), the Quarterly Labour Force Survey released in early 2023 found that the national unemployment rate increased by over five percentage points from …