Utilisation of waste marble dust in concrete production: A
The construction industry is one of the prime polluters of the global environment, in addition to the waste management menace. Over the years, waste …

Use of Waste Marble Dust for Stabilization of Clayey Soil
Marble dust is an industrial waste which can be incorporated with road construction materials if it has possesses the desired physical, chemical and mechanical properties. ... Additionally, waste marble dust is used in several applications as white cement, mosaic, mortar and tile [7] and also is used in the production of clay based materials [5 ...

(PDF) Utilization of Marble Wastes in Clay Bricks: A Step …
Its beneficial use as a construction material will add to the sustainability, and most importantly, might overcome the burden of marble waste disposal. However, the use of marble dust in concrete ...

Marble Dust Set
Bottocino Marble Dust: Botticino marble ground to a medium coarse powder. Use this marble dust to make grounds, for adding textural and handling qualities to paints, and as filler in lime plastic for the intonaco layer of fr. Imported from a world-class deposit in Italy, it is ground to a granular particle size of 0 to 0.07 mm to retain its ...

(PDF) Soil Improvement Using Waste Marble Dust for
This is in line with the findings of Deboucha et al. (2020) that adding 5% fine-grained marble powder led to an increment in the OMC value from 10.78% to 12.96% while the MDD value decreased.

Sustainable Recycling of Marble Dust as Cement …
In recent years, many researchers in the construction industry had taken up the challenge to incorporate non-biodegradable wastes as partial replacement of cement and/or natural aggregates in the daily production of cement-based materials. Various efforts were intended to understand the influence of using marble dust in concrete due to its …

Use of waste marble and granite dust in structural …
It is observed that the use of marble dust and granite dust at a certain amount reduced the cost of construction, and the concrete properties are positively affected. ... It was observed that the WMD is chemically, physically, and mineralogically suitable to be used in these industries and the presence of CaCo 3 in it makes it suitable for the ...

Assessment of mechanical and physical properties of LDPE reinforced
Marble dust has various uses in arts and industries. Artists use the marble dust as a filler or hardener in pastels drawings. As well, artists are excited to make a replica of old sculptures using rapid prototyping. Also, marble dust is reutilized as replacement or aggregate replacement in concrete or cement production [13].

Marble Dust allows the concrete industry to produce financial profit, to optimize material use, and construct structures that will be strong, durable and subtle to the atmosphere. The use of Marble Dust can be an ideal choice fore-placing in a cementitious binder for increase in efficiency due to the presence of lime.

Marble Dust as an Environmental and Occupational Hazard
Mechanical breakdown like grinding, cutting, drilling, crushing, explosion, or strong friction results in emission of dust. All over the world, the marble industry is considered a high waste-producing industry. It is estimated that round about 70% of the precious marble is wasted as …

Potential applications of marble dust in industrial …
The Marble Dust (MD), a by-product generated by the Marble industry, was modified by magnetic nanoparticles and denoted as M …

Marble Dust Exposure Relationship to Workers' Lung Conditions in Marble
Workers in the marble industry are also prone to dust exposure. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between years of service, respiratory dust levels, and pulmonary function disorders in marble home industry workers in Tulungagung Regency, Indonesia. This study was a descriptive observational study with data from a cross-sectional ...

Re-use of waste marble dust in the production of cement …
Binici, Kaplan and Yilmaz [4] reported that the compressive strength of concrete had a significant increase with increasing the percentage of marble dust addition where the use of marble dust as 15% sand replacement by weight (an additive) provided the maximum compressive strength up to 360 days of curing. Ergün [11] reported that …

Effect of marble dust reinforcement in composites for …
It is required to study the current uses of this waste marble dust in various industrial and construction practices. Marble is a natural stone formed by the …

Use of Waste Marble Dust for Stabilization of Clayey …
Additionally, waste marble dust is used in several applications as white cement, mosaic, mortar and tile [7] and also is used in the production of clay based materials

An Experimental investigation on utilizations of Marble Dust …
3.2 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - Compressive strength of concrete mixes with various percentage of marble dust as replacement of cement at age of 7 days and 28 days respectively are shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4. From Table 10 and 11 it can be observed that with the replacement of cement with marble dust for 5% & 10% there is an increase in …

of air pollution in the marble industrial mining area in Besole village, Tulungagung, was a high category. Air pollutions from dust cause fibrosis in the lungs if continuously inhaled.

Effect of marble dust reinforcement in composites for …
the main objective of this study is to examine the capability of using marble dust in industry. The re-use of cement-based materials waste is expected to reduce the cost and insure sustainability ...

Effect of marble dust reinforcement in composites for …
Industrial and natural wastes such as fly ash, rice husk ash, and marble dust are major environmental issues. The purpose of this research is to determine the viability of using marble dust as reinforcement in composites. Marble has been used in construction for centuries, and its mining is required.

Potential Applications of Marble Dust in Industrial Use …
Marble slurry can be recommended for road and embankment construction. It decreases the consolidation and swelling index of clayey soil. Compression index (cc) and …

Various industrial dust pollution causes different health problems in workers including respiratory complaint, eye and skin disorders. Based on the concentration and chemical nature, stone dust also effect the liver and kidney related parameters especially in stone crushing workers. The purpose and aims of this study was to report …

Re-use of waste marble dust in the production of cement …
DOI: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2013.09.005 Corpus ID: 135612989; Re-use of waste marble dust in the production of cement and concrete @article{Aliabdo2014ReuseOW, title={Re-use of waste marble dust in the production of cement and concrete}, author={Ali A. Aliabdo and Abd Elmoaty M. Abd Elmoaty and …

Use of marble dust and fly ash in stabilization of base …
The marble dust used in this study was obtained from a marble processing factory in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey. Actually, travertine dust was used, but marble dust was preferred as a common name. It was dried and sieved, resulting in marble dust grains that are smaller than 300 μ m. Some chemical compounds of the waste marble dust are shown …

Potential Applications of Marble Dust in Industrial Use …
Potential Applications of Marble Dust in Industrial use by Characterization Techniques – A Review International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering ISSN 2319-5347, Vol ...

As a result, marble dust can be used as a filler in asphalt concrete up to 4.5% with success, creating a stable, economical, and eco-friendly pavement. View Show abstract

Marble dust as a binding material in concrete: A review
Marble dust, which is a solid pollutant obtained from the marble manufacturing industry, can be effectively used as a binding material with the …

Utilization of marble piece wastes as base …
The marble wastes in these three regions were sampled and evaluated for usability as the base material in road pavement by performing the tests specified in the TSTH. The average diameters of marble wastes from …

Effect of marble dust on plants around Vishwakarma Industrial …
The paper describes the effect of marble dust on plants in and around Vishwakarma Industrial Area (VKIA) Jaipur, Rajasthan (India). Trees species growing in and around VKIA area were selected and ...

Marble geology: characteristics, formation, uses
Industrial Uses. Beyond its aesthetic applications, marble is used in various industrial processes. Crushed marble is a key ingredient in the production of calcium carbonate, a filler and coating ...

Expansive Soil Stabilization Using Marble Dust
The potential of marble dust (by-productof marble industry) as stabilizing additive to expansive soil studied and evaluated [1] and the potential of limestone dust (LSD) and coal fly ash (CFA) to ...