Thickeners and clarifiers Complete range of reliable and …
4 FLS — Thickeners and Clarifiers High-rate thickeners High-rate thickeners are designed to provide roughly 12 times the throughput of conventional machines of similar …

High-Rate Thickeners – MechProTech | MPT
The HI-RATE THICKENER is a MechProTech OEM product manufactured in-house. It has a structurally grated walkway across the top. ... mixing between flocculent and slurry is completed in the proprietary feed well. To aid settling and thickener performance, MPT can install high circulating pumps to increase supernatant back into the feed stream to ...

Ultra-High Shear Mixing Strategies
grooves and collide at high frequency before exiting the mix chamber. Ross White Paper: Ultra-High Shear Mixing Strategies Page 7 of 9 Rotor/Stators for Series 700 Inline Ultra-High Shear Mixers Ross Inline Ultra-High Shear Mixers are manufactured in five standard models: the HSM-703, HSM-706, HSM-709, HSM-712 and HSM-715.

PASTE WITHOUT PAINMAGRA ULTRASEP 2000 HIGH PERFOR MANCE THICKENER/CLARIFIER Magra Process Engineering (Pty) Ltd Phone: +27 18 468 1540 Fax: +27 18 468 - 8492 Cel: +27 82 372 3404 E - mail: [email protected] The Magra Ultrasep 2000 High Performance Thickener was developed to fulfil the role of a …

Thickeners and Clarifiers
High compression thickeners Achieve a higher density underflow with our High Compression Thickener. The HCT has been designed to suit customer needs with a deeper solids bed and higher rake torque than our High Rate Thickener or conventional thickeners. Consistent and high-density underflow Maintains a constant solids …

Thickeners and clarifiers Complete range of reliable and …
4 FLS — Thickeners and Clarifiers High-rate thickeners High-rate thickeners are designed to provide roughly 12 times the throughput of conventional machines of similar size. The key features for high-capacity thickeners are the feedwell design and the feed slurry dilution method. Our patented E-Volute™ feedwell offers Computational Fluid ...

High Rate thickener with central drive unit. The last technology of high rate thickener or thickener plant developed by Cogede allow to optimize the consumption of polyelectrolyte by special feed well design.. The High rate thickener are equipped with a Sedicontrol system that monitors continuously the flocculation and adapt the polyelectrolyte dosing …

PHOENIX AltaFlo Ultra High-Rate Thickener
The PHOENIX AltaFlo™ Thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides ultra high-rate mixing, flocculation and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection and removal in a single tank. For complete elimination of the slurry pond, a …

AltaFlo™ High-Rate Thickener
The AltaFlo™ ultra high-rate thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides mixing, flocculation and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection …

Paste Thickeners
The underflow of high-rate thickeners is "slurry," which has relatively no or only minor yield stress. Conversely, WesTech ... An inner chamber converts the feed energy into a concentric radial flow for optimal mixing of flocculent and solids in all areas of the main chamber. The main feedwell chamber then evenly

High rate thickener HRT-S
High rate thickenerHRT-SMetso Outotec is a world leader in thickener technology that is recognized by proven process performance, highest quality. and sustainable …

How to Optimize Polymer Efficiency for Better Sludge …
Two-Step Dilution-primary mixing (mix chamber) at high conc. (%), then post-dilution for feeding ... Gt-value = mean shear rate x residence time Contact time (T) in clear well design: ... Gravity Belt Thickener Rotary Drum Thickener Plate & Frame Press Belt Filter Press Screw Press Centrifuge

AltaFlo™ Ultra High-Rate Thickeners
The PHOENIX AltaFlo™ Thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides ultra high-rate mixing, flocculation, and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge …

thickener (Solids Flow Rate) is 350 gpm, the rotary drum thickener feed solids ... Second stage mixing can occur in the same mixing chamber as the first stage mixing. ... An advantage of mechanical systems includes the ability to provide high mixing energy (ideal for first-stage mixing), regardless of the fluctuation of WRRF water ...

AltaFlo™ Ultra High-Rate Thickeners
The PHOENIX AltaFlo™ Thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides ultra high-rate mixing, flocculation, and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection and removal in a single tank. The Thickener's unique internal geometry, a deep sidewall and steep conical bottom provides underflow concentration comparable ...

This is more than four times the rate typically used for conventional clarifiers. In addition, the CONTRAFAST unit produces sludge with as much as 10% solids by weight, eliminating the need for a gravity thickener. The combination of the high rise rate and the elimination of the separate thickener reduces the total process footprint.

high rate thickener mixing chamber
Flocculation, dewatering and sedimentation behaviour of … Outotec high-rate thickener (HRT) • Diameter 53 m Outotec thickener • Improvement of 9-15% in pumping efficiency and tailings system capacity • Nominal capacity of 3.67Mtpa • Maximum throughput is about 5.26Mtpa [27] Australian Gold Mine (Confidential) Australia • Mud bed level increases …

Open vs closed thickener feedwells
The feedwell design in high rate thickeners forms a distinctly separate chamber from the surrounding thickener volume. There is a significant difference between the performances of the open and ...

A Practical Guide to Thickener Selection | PCI Magazine
Table 5 shows the performance of a gloss paint thickened primarily with a high-shear effective NSAT to obtain good high-shear viscosity, and co-thickened with a low-shear effective NSAT for Stormer consistency. High-shear effective HASEs can also be the sole or primary thickener for some acrylic semi-gloss paints.

Beginners guide to thickeners
In high rate thickener (HRT) designs the rise rate or solids loading will dictate the required tank diameter for any given throughput. In high compression (HCT) and paste (PT) applications the bed depth or the mass of solids in the thickener must also be selected to ensure the desired underflow density from the thickener is achieved.

When To Use A High-Density Thickener
The top part of the High-Density Thickener, however, is going to look much the same as its cousins the High-Rate Thickener and the Paste Thickener. Here, creating the optimal feed solids to promote …


Magra High-Rate Thickener Presentation 2011
1) The Magra High-Rate Thickener is designed to function as a thickener, reactor, and clarifier in one unit. It has no moving parts, requires minimal maintenance, and has the lowest operating costs of all thickeners. 2) It …

Polymer 101: Fundamentals of Flocculation
Two-Stage Mixingin a mix chamber higher energy mixing low energy mixing "Discrete" Two-Stage Mixing - discrete means "separation of high and low energy mixing zones" Two-stage vs One-stage Polymer Mixing Very HMW anionic polymer solution (prepared in 600 mL beakers) - 1-stage mixing: 500 rpm, 20 min - 2-stage mixing: 1200 rpm, 0.5 min

PHOENIX HiFlo High-Rate Thickener
Chamber Filter Press PHOENIX HiFlo™ Thickener PHOENIX/KISA Bucket Wheel Thickener under˜ow sent to a PHOENIX Press where the slurry is dewatered to 70-75% solids 4-10% Solids Filtrate Filtrate OR Thickener over˜ow water returns for use in wash plant (<200 PPM) The PHOENIX HiFlo™ Thickener clarifies the water while it thickens …

High-rate Thickener
the thickener. WesTech's EvenFloTM design consists of a two-part feedwell system. An inner chamber converts the feed energy into a concentric radial flow for optimal mixing of flocculent and solids in all areas of the main chamber. The main feedwell chamber then evenly distributes the feed into the sedimentation zone of the thickener.

Titan™ Traction Thickener
When sizing a high-rate thickener, one factor that limits the size and throughput in the unit is the available torque. ... energy into a concentric radial flow for optimal mixing of flocculent and solids in all areas of the main chamber. The main feedwell chamber then evenly distributes the feed into the sedimentation zone of the thickener. Tel ...