Located in the South Gobi, Oyu Tolgoi commenced shipment of product to customers in July 2013. Oyu Tolgoi is managed by Rio Tinto, which is investing global expertise and cutting-edge technology to help develop Mongolia's mining industry and ensure Oyu Tolgoi is one of the world's most advanced mines. For Oyu Tolgoi, nothing matters more ...

» OYU TOLGOI – Rio Tinto
OYU TOLGOI – Rio Tinto ‹ Back to All Cases. Location: Mongolia. Material: Gold/Copper Ore. Features: Excellent Abrasion Resistance, Excellent Cut/Gouge Resistance. Specifications: 700 ft x 72-86" …

Mongolia's Oyu Tolgoi copper exports underway -Rio Tinto
Copper concentrate shipments to China from Mongolia's giant Oyu Tolgoi mine kicked off on Tuesday, after repeated delays that underscored the risks of investing in the country's burgeoning mining ...

Oyu Tolgoi partners reach comprehensive agreement and …
4 The 500ktpa target (stated as recovered metal) for the Oyu Tolgoi underground and open pit mines is underpinned 17 per cent by Proved Ore Reserves …

Oyu Tolgoi underground mine project, Mongolia – update
Project Description The Oyu Tolgoi underground mine is expected to produce more than 500 000 t/y of copper from 2028 to 2036, compared with current openpit production of 175 000 t/y to 200 000 t/y.

The geology, structure and mineralisation of the Oyu Tolgoi …
The first copper concentrate was produced from the Oyu Tolgoi mine and exported in 2013. For more detail see Crane and Kavalieris (2012). This paper has been …

Paper: Oyu Tolgoi: engineering a Mongolian caving dynasty
Oyu Tolgoi comprises multiple copper, gold and molybdenum deposits located within a more than 23 kmlong structural corridor, the bulk of the known deposits requiring underground extraction. Surface mining commenced at Oyu Tolgoi in 2011 and first copper concentrate was produced in 2013. Mining operations have now started from …

Oyu Tolgoi Mine Concentrate Bagging System
The Oyu Tolgoi mine, located 550km south of the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar and 80km north of the Mongolia-China border, is one of the largest copper-gold projects in the world. ... The heart of the bagging system consists of four bulk bagging units designed to load concentrate at a rate of up to 320 metric tonnes per hour with some built ...

Oyu Tolgoi announces Q1 2021 performance results
Oyu Tolgoi vaccinated all its copper concentrate shipment drivers and logistics support teams on site, and has a number of controls in place related to disinfecting vehicles and testing to mitigate transmission risk. We partially resumed cross-border concentrate shipments into China on 15 April, however, the situation continues to be fluid with ...

Oyu Tolgoi Concentrator Laboratory – RC Inspection Group
The Oyu Tolgoi Concentrator is the biggest industrial unit ever built in Mongolia, covering an area of 255 metres long and 144 metres wide. It produced its first copper concentrate in February 2013 and can process up …

Oyu Tolgoi partners reach comprehensive agreement and …
As a result, the OT Board, comprised of representatives of Rio Tinto, TRQ and Erdenes Oyu Tolgoi (EOT) which is wholly owned by the Government of Mongolia, has unanimously approved commencement of underground operations. ... OT will be funded by cash on hand and rescheduling of existing debt repayments, together with a pre-paid copper ...

Turquoise Hill Resources: Oyu Tolgoi declares force majeure …
Also, Oyu Tolgoi confirmed two cases of COVID-19 at site which were managed in compliance with public health guidelines and have completed a total of 9,726 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests at ...

Oyu Tolgoi
Oyu Tolgoi, in the Umnugovi province of Mongolia, is one of the largest known copper and gold deposits in the world. It is also one of the most modern, safe and sustainable operations in the world. ... began processing mined ore into copper concentrate in 2013. Current infrastructure at Oyu Tolgoi will allow the mine to operate for decades to come.

Rio Tinto provides update on Oyu Tolgoi project
Despite the impact of COVID-19, the open pit of the Oyu Tolgoi mine continues to operate and deliver shipments of copper concentrate to its customers. Rio Tinto Copper & Diamonds chief executive Arnaud Soirat said "Our focus is on ensuring the safety and health of all of our people at Oyu Tolgoi and we support the decisive action taken by the ...

Oyu Tolgoi partners reach comprehensive agreement and …
Oyu Tolgoi is one of the largest known copper and gold deposits in the world. It is also one of the most modern, safe and sustainable operations in the world. ... OT will be funded …

Oyu Tolgoi signs Project Finance agreement
Oyu Tolgoi has secured Project Finance for the underground mine development with funding by international financial institutions and export credit agencies representing the governments of the United States, Canada and Australia, along with 15 commercial banks. ... More than 1.5 million tonnes of copper concentrate have now been produced from ...

Sprung Project: Oyu Tolgoi
Oyu Tolgoi – Warehousing. Oyu Tolgoi. Play Video. THE ASK. The Rio Tinto Group needed a warehouse structure for a new phase of its massive Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine. Due to the mine's location in Mongolia, this new warehouse structure would need to withstand high winds and extreme temperature variations. ... THE SPECS. 36m x 140m …

The geology, structure and mineralisation of the Oyu Tolgoi …
The first copper concentrate was produced from the Oyu Tolgoi mine and exported in 2013. For more detail see Crane and Kavalieris (2012). This paper has been prepared in response to an invitation from the editors of this volume. It is intended as a detailed description of the deposits of the Oyu Tolgoi mineralised trend, their regional to …

Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia: Siluro-Devonian Porphyry Cu-Au …
The Oyu Tolgoi porphyry Cu-Au-(Mo) deposit is located in the Gobi Desert of southern Mongolia. The deposit consists of three main mineralized zones (North, Central, and South Oyu), interpreted to constitute at least two separate porphyry copper centers. Oyu Tolgoi is associated with a series of small, structurally controlled stocks and dikes …

Oyu Tolgoi Info
OT info mobile application for all Oyu Tolgoi LLC and contractor employees. OTinfo гар утасны аппликейшнийг Оюу толгой ХХК-н үндсэн болон гэрээт компанийн бүх ажиллагсдад зориулав. Updated on. Sep 1, 2024.

Underground production starts at Oyu Tolgoi
Oyu Tolgoi is expected to produce around 500 000 t/y of copper from 2028 to 2036 from the openpit and underground, enough to produce around six-million electric vehicles annually, and an average ...

Customers of Oyu Tolgoi mine begin collecting concentrate …
Concentrate produced at Turquoise Hill Resource's (TSX:TRQ) massive Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia is finally in the hands of customers in China, the company announced October 21.

Oyu Tolgoi mine design confirms project schedule and …
MELBOURNE, Australia--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Oyu Tolgoi LLC has completed an updated feasibility study (OTFS20) and is in the process of submitting this to the Government of Mongolia. The OTFS20 has been prepared in accordance with Mongolian regulations and standards which require mining companies to submit updated feasibility studies every …

The Oyu Tolgoi (Turquoise Hill in Mongolian) copper-gold porphyry deposits are located in the southern Gobi desert of Mongolia, approximately 80 kilometres north of the border with China. The ...

Rio Tinto and Mongolia settle feud over Oyu Tolgoi copper …
Rio Tinto Plc, and the Mongolian government said on Tuesday they have reached an agreement to end a long-running dispute over the $6.93 billion expansion project for the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold ...

Mongolia's Oyu Tolgoi declares force majeure on copper concentrate …
Turquoise Hill Resources has declared force majeure on Oyu Tolgoi copper concentrate shipments to Chinese buyers after China suspended border crossings from Mongolia due to COVID 19 precautions, the c ... Our Methodology Methodology & Specifications Price Assessments Subscriber Notes Price Symbols Symbol Search & …

The Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold project (Oyu Tolgoi) is located in the Southern Gobi region of Mongolia and is being developed by Oyu Tolgoi LLC (OT LLC). Oyu Tolgoi …

Press release: Oyu Tolgoi announces production of first …
- Mining partnership with Government of Mongolia reaches major project milestone - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia - Oyu Tolgoi President and CEO Cameron McRae announced today that the Oyu Tolgoi Copper Concentrator produced its first batch of concentrate on schedule just one month after its commissioning. Mr.McRae noted “This is a big …

Oyu Tolgoi: A Nation Changer
Oyu Tolgoi has also developed significant infrastructure in the South Gobi, much of which will benefit local people as well as allow the mine to operate. To prepare a strong future workforce, the company is investing $126 million in education and training over five years. Copper concentrate is processed from Oyu Tolgoi's open-pit ore.