Botswana to Botswana Ash South Africa (Pty) Ltd, a sales and marketing entity in South Africa. Tel: (+267) 621 3210, Fax: (+267) 621 3213 Physical Address: A32, Sowa Town, …

The regulation of mining in Botswana covers activities relating to the prospecting and extrac - tion of minerals such as diamonds, copper-nickel-cobalt matte, copper in …

Botswana Chamber of Mines : Spotlight
Botswana's mining and exploration industry is a primary sector that has spearheaded the national economy since the 1970s. We dive head-first into the internationally recognised industry to learn about its admirable history and plans for a prosperous future.

Mining Laws and Regulations Report 2025 Zimbabwe
Mining Laws and Regulations Zimbabwe 2025. ICLG - Mining Laws and Regulations - Zimbabwe Chapter covers common issues in mining laws and regulations – including the acquisition of rights, ownership requirements and restrictions, processing, transfer and encumbrance, environmental aspects, native title and land rights.

Ministry of Minerals and Energy | Government of Botswana
Department of Mines. Is to ensure that mineral resources are prospected, developed and exploited in a sustainable manner. To enhance socio-economic, financial and other …

Permits are usually granted upon request, and because Botswana does not have foreign exchange restrictions, it is not difficult to access foreign currency to cover transactions. Import permits for habit-forming drugs (narcotics and psychotropics) are issued by the Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority (BoMRA).

Country regulations | Micgeo Mining
Micgeo Mining: African experts offering sustainable, responsible mining investment solutions with resource access, government support, and risk management for international investors. Linkedin Facebook Youtube Instagram

Mining Law 2016
14 Regional and Local Rules and Laws 15 Cancellation, Abandonment and Relinquishment Home Practice area Mining Law Mining Law 2016 Botswana Botswana Mining Law 2016 ... (commonly referred to in Botswana as a "mining licence") is required from the Minister pursuant to the MMA. Mining licences can be granted for a period of …

Conference | Botswana Mining & Energy Conference and …
Find out more about the Conference at Botswana Mining and Energy Conference & Exhibition (BME) top of page. 7 - 8 April 2025 5 - 6 April 2025 (Build Up), Boipuso Hall, Gaborone Fairgrounds, Botswana. ... Government Regulations & Policy Developments. Mining Investment Strategies & Trends and Commodities Forecasts. Junior Miners, …

Botswana Mining & Environmental Law
Botswana's economy has thrived since the country gained independence in 1966 and it is now recognised as one of the most stable countries on the African continent, both economically and politically. Mining is a major …

Mining Regulation and Development in Botswana: The …
The case study of Debswana Diamond Company, a joint venture between the Botswana government and the De Beers Group of Companies, illustrates Botswana's semi-directed model of mining regulation. Under this model, the Botswana government collects substantial mining revenues, which it invests in social spending because of a …

The Mines and Minerals Act No. 17 of 1999 regulates the mines and non-oil minerals sector of Botswana. It was amended in 2007 by the Amendment Act No. 19 of 2007. The …

BCM, Botswana Chamber of Mines, Mining and Exploration
The Botswana Chamber of Mines is an organisation established to serve the interests of the mining and exploration companies together with associated industries. The mining …

Botswana Mining Investment and Governance Review
The Botswana Mining Investment and Governance Review (MInGov) collects and shares information on mining sector governance, its attractiveness to investors, and how it …

Occupational Health & Safety | Government of Botswana
Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, Ministry of Employment Labour Productivity and Skills Development, Occupational safety, public safety standards. Keywords. General Register, occupational health and safety, mandatory inspection, worker safety, documentation, safety documentation, emergencies.

Minerals Permit | Government of Botswana
The service is granted to companies or individuals who intend to carry out small scale mining operations which fits the following criteria: ... Minerals Permit for industrial minerals are reserved for citizens of Botswana, except in cases where the Minister may grant the Permit to non-citizens for work that is in the public interest.

Botswana to Botswana Ash South Africa (Pty) Ltd, a sales and marketing entity in South Africa. Tel: (+267) 621 3210, Fax: (+267) 621 3213 Physical Address: A32, Sowa Town, Botswana Postal Address: Private Bag SOW7, Sowa Town, Botswana Web: Email: [email protected]

Botswana Proposes 24% Local Stake in New Mining Ventures
This proposed measure reflects Botswana's ongoing commitment to enhancing local participation in its lucrative mining sector. Botswana, recognized as the world's largest producer of rough diamonds by value, is known for its stable and predictable mining regulations. This stability has made it one of Africa's top destinations for mineral ...

Mining in Botswana
Botswana's mining path to urbanization and poverty alleviation. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 30,611–630. Matshediso, I. B. (2005). A review of mineral development and investment policies of Botswana. Resources Policy, 30, 203–207. Republic of Botswana. (2009). National Development Plan. Gaborone: Ministry of Finance and

New Botswana copper mine to begin production in 2021
The mining sector, which provides a fifth of Botswana's GDP and 80% of foreign exchange earnings, is seen shrinking by almost a quarter this year but is forecast to rebound to growth of 14.4% ...

Application for Mining Surface Rights | Government of Botswana
This is an application where applicants are granted surface rights by the Land Board to venture into mining. These include but not limited to the following; Gravel, river sand, quarry, gemstones, copper etc. The applicant applies and obtains a prospecting license from the department of mines.

Supplement A — Botswana Government Gazette dated 30th June, 2011 A.67 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT, 2011 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS SECTION PART I – Preliminary 1. Short title and commencement 2. Interpretation 3. Application of Act 4. Requirements to undertake an activity 5. Ensuring issuance of authorisation

Welcome to Debswana
We work, knowing that are integral to the social fabric of Botswana and that our success contributes to that of Botswana. Orapa Mine: Orapa is a conventional open pit mine, situated 240 km west of Francistown. The Mine was discovered in 1967 by a team of De Beers geologists led by Manfred Marx. It became fully operational in July 1971

5Mine Rehabilitation in Africa | DLA Piper
Inadequate legislation or regulations to address the issue of mine rehabilitation for the benefit of all stakeholders. Legislation and regulation. In Botswana, Part IX of the Mines and Minerals Act obliges the holder of a mineral concession to ensure that their concession area is rehabilitated from time to time and ultimately reclaimed as …

Botswana Chamber of Mines
Botswana's mining and exploration industry is a primary sector that has spearheaded the national economy since the 1970s. We dive head-first into the internationally recognised industry to learn about its admirable history and plans for a prosperous future.

Mining regulation and development in Botswana : the …
The case study of Debswana Diamond Company, a joint venture between the Botswana government and the De Beers Group of Companies, illustrates Botswana's semi-directed model of mining regulation. Under this model, the Botswana government collects substantial mining revenues, which it invests in social spending because of a …

Botswana: Conducive to mining investment
Exploration and regulations ... "In an effort to diversify from diamond mining, Botswana has allowed ambitious exploration projects to be undertaken throughout the country. This is further supported by their investment in having a functional cadastre system developed and launched in 2021. The mining industry has also assisted in …