The Propagation of Ultrasonic Waves in Gas-containing …
The grinding process stage is an intermediate link in the technological line of mineral processing, however, despite this, it has a decisive influence on the course of …

Natalia Morkun, Gerhard Fischerauer, Vitalii Tron, Alona Gaponenko DOI 10.2478/ama-2023-0041 Mineralogical Analysis of Iron Ore using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation Parameters

(PDF) Mineralogical Analysis of Iron Ore Using Ultrasonic Wave
365 Natalia Morkun, Gerhard Fischerauer, Vitalii Tron, Alona Gaponenko Mineralogical Analysis of Iron Ore using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation Parameters The ratio of the speed of longitudinal waves to the speed of transverse waves depends only on the Poisson ratio of the rock: CL 1 . 2 CT 1 2 DOI 10.2478/ama-2023-0041 Fig. 2 shows the main ...

The use of power ultrasound in mining
This chapter deals with the application of power ultrasound in the mining industry. The uses of power ultrasound are addressed in three aspects: (1) determination of the stress state of rock mass for safety reasons and to plan mining work; (2) ultrasound with mineral grinding, for energy efficiency and wear improvement; and (3) the uses of …

Effect of ultrasound power on HCl leaching kinetics of …
The SEM images of raw ore, conventional, and ultrasound leaching concentrates are given in Fig. 11. Compared to the raw ore and CL concentrate, the reduction in particle size of the concentrate for ultrasound-assisted leaching supported the occurrence of particle fractures, which was verified by the comparative results of SEM …

From Waste to Resource: Advanced Pre-Treatment
The directionality of electric currents is crucial to the process of directional crushing of tailings by electrical pulse. During the activation process, the current preferentially targets conductive mineral phases, thereby somewhat shielding the non-conductive or weakly conductive mineral phases [52].Huang and Shi [54] discovered …

Accelerated CO2 Mineralization of Acid Mine Drainage …
Among the wastes produced by the mining industry, acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the most hazardous wastes for the environment because of its highly acidic nature and high concentration of heavy metals, which may lead to harmful effects in animals, plants, and humans. Various remediation technologies are available and have been applied to AMD …

The use of power ultrasound in mining
The uses of power ultrasound are addressed in three aspects: (1) determination of the stress state of rock mass for safety reasons and to plan mining …

Effect of ultrasonic standing waves on flotation bubbles
There are two types of ultrasonic waves: diffused wave and standing wave. Diffused waves emitted from the tip of a probe are fan shaped. The amplitude of the wave decreases as the spread distance increases. The sound intensity is distributed unevenly, and it is accompanied by strong cavitation to generate a large amount of energy [31], [32 ...

2024 Mining Terms Explained
Back - The ceiling or roof of an underground opening. Backfill - Waste material used to fill the void created by mining an orebody. Background - Minor amounts of radioactivity due not to abnormal amounts of radioactive minerals nearby but to cosmic rays and minor residual radioactivity in the vicinity. Back sample - A rock sample collected …

Propagation of ultrasonic waves in materials under bending …
The variation of ultrasound wave velocities in solids under stresses is called acoustoelastic effect. This influence of the stresses on the ultrasound velocity variation is very weak. To evaluate elastic and plastic deformation amplitudes, Sato [4] investigated, by acoustoelastic method, the distribution of the stress state inside metals. The ...

Applications of power ultrasound in mining
The application of power ultrasound for testing the rock mass stress state involves the use of continuum intense waves to penetrate a significant depth into the …

Study of the effect of ultrasonic treatment on mineral …
Materials Research Group, Research and Development, Tata Steel, Jamshedpur, IndiaAbstractCoal, iron and manganese ore samples were exposed to different …

Exploring the ultrasonic comminution of copper ores
This chapter deals with the application of power ultrasound in the mining industry. It includes an overview of mining operations and four sections covering: the in …

A comprehensive review on the ultrasound-enhanced …
Li et al. probed the influence of ultrasound wave on NH 3 –(NH 4) 2 SO 4 leaching of Zn from a low-grade zinc oxide ore. They found that ultrasound increased the leaching ratio of Zn mainly by accelerating the leaching rate and shortening the leaching duration at lower ammonium sulfate concentrations, with 83.33% of Zn being recovered …

Use of Ultrasound in Physical and Chemical Mineral …
Like all sound waves, ultrasound propagates in a series of waves that include compression and rarefaction phases. ... Ultrasound increased the grinding …

Effect of ultrasound on ammonium leaching of zinc from galmei ore
Oil impregnation time of anti-friction porous materials was decreased by a factor of 15-20. Orlov5 and Chizhikov et aP used ultrasound for Cu leaching from copper ores in sulphuric acid. They found that ultrasound had a positive effect on the speed of leaching Khavskii and Terenin and coworkersv's used ultrasound in the leaching …

Mineralogical Analysis of Iron Ore using Ultrasonic Wave Propagation Parameters 366 The ratio of the speed of longitudinal waves to the speed of transverse waves depends only on the Poisson ratio of the rock: 1 2 12 L T C C . (3) In turn, all the elastic characteristics of rocks are connected by the following equations: 2 (1 )? G

Exploring the ultrasonic comminution of copper ores
This chapter deals with the application of power ultrasound in the mining industry. It includes an overview of mining operations and four sections covering: the in-situ determination of rock mass stress condition by ultrasound for rock stability analysis, the use of power ultrasound to assist ore particle size reduction, application of power …

Ultrasound imaging a seismic shift for explorers
Kepic told MINING DAILY the technology uses sound waves to probe the earth and produce images. "It uses a combination of specialised, off-the-shelf and modified hardware," he said.

Leaching of Metals from Ores with Ultrasound
Specifically, the reaction rate is enhanced due to high frequency, wave intensity, duration of ultrasound irradiation, and the physical characteristics of the lixiviant and nature of titanium ore ...

Sound-like waves are routinely used to image the subsurface, but mostly well below the ultra-sound band. Several methods involve sound-like vibrations: Reflection seismic — the most important subsurface remote sensing tool we have; Refraction seismic — important, but niche, and has a lot in common with reflection

Ultrasound-assisted leaching of rare earths from the …
The in situ leaching process of China's unique ion-adsorption rare earth ores has caused severe environmental damages due to the use of (NH 4) 2 SO 4 solution. This study reports that magnesium sulfate (MgSO 4) as a leaching agent would replace (NH 4) 2 SO 4 by ultrasonically assisted leaching to deal with the ammonia-nitrogen pollution …

Ultrasound-enhanced separation characteristics of gas-solid …
1. Introduction. As the main source mineral of fluorine in industry, fluorite is widely used in new energy, national defense, chemical industry, metallurgy, construction and other industries [1], [2].With the rapid economy development, the reserve-production ratio of fluorite ore in China has been much lower than the average level of the world …

Bioleaching with ultrasound
The mining industry is constantly seeking new and more practical technologies to treat low-grade ores and increase profitability, while operating in times of low metal prices and increased environmental concerns. ... only a few studies are available on the effectiveness of using ultrasonic waves to enhance metal extraction using the …

Synergistic extraction of gold from the refractory gold ore …
The gold ore was obtained from a gold mine in Yunnan. The particle size is less than 200 mesh.The minerals are mainly sulfide quartz and clay. The particle size of gold is within 0.3–5 µm, so it belongs to invisible gold.The elemental composition of the minerals obtained by inductively couple plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP …

The study of volume ultrasonic waves propagation in the …
The results of research of the volume ultrasonic waves propagation in the gas-containing iron ore slurry using ultrasonic phased array technology is presented.

Beneficiation of colemanite concentrates from fine wastes by …
The aim of this work is to investigate possible use of ultrasound waves in the concentration of colemanite from fine wastes. The retention time, pulp density, amount of feed and particle size were varied to determine the optimum conditions. ... which were obtained from the concentration plant of Eti Holding A.S. Emet Colomanite mine work ...

Ultrasonic Waves in Mining Application
2. Ultrasonic waves in mining application There are two main mining applications of ultras onic waves: one is to define the mechanical properties of intact rock and other is to …

Bioleaching with ultrasound
Therefore, the use of power ultrasound in combination with bioleaching (referred to as sonobioleaching) has been studied and is shown to be beneficial in the recovery of nickel from lean grade ores. ... The mining industry is constantly seeking new and more practical technologies to treat low-grade ores and increase profitability, while ...