BUEHLER Ecomet 3000 Wafer Grinder, Lapper & Polisher …
Request Price. Add to Cart Wafer Grinding, Lapping & Polishing ... Equipment Details; Model Description; Reviews; ID: 293630180. Variable speed grinder / Polisher. Read More Close. BUEHLER Ecomet 3000 is a wafer grinding, lapping, and polishing equipment designed to produce planarization and precision flatness for a wide range of substrates. …

Grinder Polishers
A low volume, single specimen machine capable of preparing a wide variety of materials. Space saving design employs geometric action, increasing specimen consistency. Buehler offers easy to-use machines. Choose between the EcoMet 30 and AutoMet 250, …

Grinding and Polishing
Buehler Grinding and Polishing machines include Semi-Automatic Grinder Polishers, Manual Grinder Polishers, Specialty Grinder Polishers and a full line of Grinding and Polishing Accessories and Consumables ... This single sample, compact solution, semi-automatic grinder polisher is ideal for delicate samples, users with limited space, and …

ElectroMet 4 Polisher Etcher
If you are experiencing difficulty using our website, please email us at [email protected] or call at 1-800-BUEHLER (1-800-283-4537) and describe the difficulty or concern. If you would like assistance accessing the goods and services available on the website, please call 1-800-BUEHLER (1-800-283-4537) or email us at …

PetroThin Thin Section Machine
Buehler Ltd., An ITW Company, strives to make its website accessible to everyone, including users with disabilities. If you are experiencing difficulty using our website, please email us at [email protected] or call at 1 …

BUEHLER Vibromet 2 Wafer Grinder, Lapper & Polisher used …
BUEHLER Vibro met 2 is an advanced technical equipment for wafer grinding, lapping, and polishing, featuring adjustable guide, polished grind wheel, automated feeder, and …

BUEHLER Vibromet 2 Wafer Grinder, Lapper & Polisher used for sale price
BUEHLER Vibro met 2 is an advanced technical equipment for wafer grinding, lapping, and polishing, featuring adjustable guide, polished grind wheel, automated feeder, and multiple features for efficient long-term performance and minimal material waste.

Buehler Ecomet 3 III Variable Speed Polisher Grinder 115v
Milwaukee 49-12-0010 7 in. Type 27 Grinding Guard ~~ READ ~~. $29.99. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Buehler Ecomet 3 III Variable Speed …

Buehler Ecomet
Price Range-Listing Type Request A Quote - (25) ... Buehler Ecomet 3 49-1750-160 8 inch polisher with Automet2 power head. Lift Lock chuck 50 to 500 rpm. 1.25" specimen …

EcoMet ® 30 Manual Grinder-Polisher
The EcoMet 30 Manual grinder polisher machine is compatible with an 8-12in [203-305mm] platen and is ideal for fast manual grinding and polishing for small to large samples. This machine is incredibly robust while being easy to use.

Buehler Polishers
Automated and manual grinder and polisher machines with consumables. The Choice of Grinding and Polishing consumables is a key factor that impacts the preparation process. ... Price Range-Listing Type Request A Quote - (28) ... Buehler MPC 2000 low speed grinder polisher for Chips and IC's, model 49-3100. 1 to 50 rpm, with oscillating motor ...

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AutoMet 250 Grinder-Polisher
The AutoMet line of grinder and polisher machines are built for demanding production lab environments. The AutoMet 250 is designed for manual or automated sample preparation. Simplicity is balanced with versatility to …

AutoMet Grinder Polisher System
The Grinder Polisher controls the start/stop function and the volume rate. The Burst Module Control Panel is used to control dispensing stop/start and volume rate. Fully Integrated Compatible with AutoMet 250 Pro and AutoMet 300 Pro Compatible with all Grinder Polishers How to configure fully integrated burst system:

AutoMet ® 300 Pro Grinder-Polisher
The semi-automatic AutoMet 300 Pro grinder-polisher machine is ideal for the highest volume and most demanding environments. This robust machine, compatible with a 12in …

Grinder Polisher Machines | Buehler
Buehler's grinder polishers and equipment for metallographic specimen testing. Our grinder and polisher machines are simple and easy to operate. Register; Log in; Wish List (0) Request Quote (0) Shopping cart (0) You have no items in your shopping cart. 1-847-295-6500 ; Personal menu. Menu.

Buehler's sectioning, mounting, grinding and polishing, imaging and analysis and hardness testing metallographic equipment along with consumables are used by metallurgical, metallography, petrography, research & development, university laboratories, quality control departments and failure analysis facilities for the analysis of all types of ...

Grinder Polisher Machines | Buehler
Buehler's grinder polishers and equipment for metallographic specimen testing. Our grinder and polisher machines are simple and easy to operate. Register; Log in; Wish list (0) Request Quote (0) Shopping cart (0) You have no items in your shopping cart. 1-847-295-6500 Personal menu.

Buehler Polishers
Automated and manual grinder and polisher machines with consumables. The Choice of Grinding and Polishing consumables is a key factor that impacts the preparation …

Grinder Polisher Machines | Buehler
Buehler's grinder polishers and equipment for metallographic specimen testing. Our grinder and polisher machines are simple and easy to operate. Register; Log in; Wish …

Buehler Ecomet 3 Variable Speed Grinder-polisher
GRAINGER APPROVED WWGSK04-2 Key Stock,Step,12 In L 5WA66. $20.91. Trending at $31.50. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Buehler Ecomet …

EcoMet 30 Semi-Automatic Grinder Polisher
The EcoMet 30 semi-automatic grinder polisher machine is compatible with 8-12in [203-305mm] platens and is ideal for medium volume processes. This robust unit is easy to use and produces high surface quality, making it ideal for labs where machines are assigned to dedicated steps in the preparation process.

Grinding and Polishing
Designed for medium to high volume environments, this advanced machine features an easy to use touchscreen interface. Program every step of the process to achieve …