COBRA Firing Systems is the leading professional wireless firing system for fireworks and SFPX. Based in the USA, over 35,000 customers in over 100 countries. All systems in stock and shipping within two days. Click for more details. CONTACT US. LOGIN. Getting Started; Products. Overview; Starter Kits; 18R2 Controller; Modules ...

PetCoke Firing; FAQs; Contact; FAQs. What is PetCoke? Petcoke is a highly stable solid fuel used in power generation and manufacturing processes worldwide. ... Petroleum coke was not found to be a carcinogen, nor was it found to adversely effect developmental or reproductive systems. Possible effects are generally limited to the respiratory system.

Trading with CEMEX
By altering the kiln parameters or changing the raw mix composition, we can optimize your kiln system for petcoke firing and offer a systematic program. Adding Value. Supply Assurance/Continuity – Given the strong petcoke portfolio that we have and our long-standing relationships with many major refineries around the world, CEMEX is in a ...

Sponge Iron Manufacturer, Supplier from Visakhapatnam
Hence there is a great oppurtunity for these plants to install ORC power systems for conversion of waste-heat to power. As per conservative estimates, it is possible to generate upto 1.5MW electrical power from the waste flue …

Coal and petcoke co-firing tests were performed in ENEL. ... Hydrocarbon (HC)/water and HC/COâ/water systems are frequently found in petroleum recovery processes, petroleum refining, and ...

The commonly used size specification for PetCoke fuel in the lime kiln is a minimum 90% passing 200 mesh (or less than 75 micron). Moisture content should be less than 1% …

Aspen plus simulation of an inline calciner for white cement …
Aspen plus-based producer gas co-processing model for a calciner has been developed, considering petcoke firing as the baseline scenario. The co-processing of producer gas further augmented the model to achieve a 15–20% thermal substitution rate (TSR). The developed model is validated using the actual plant data.

Petcoke Firing-System (Coal & Coke)
First India Pvt. Ltd. - Offering low price Petcoke Firing-System (Coal & Coke) in Kirlampudi layout, Visakhapatnam with product details & company information.

Petcoke as a Lime Kiln Fuel
14 Basis for Simulation ModelBasis for Simulation Model ¾Lime availability = 81% (% CaO)Lime availability = 81% (% CaO) ¾% Fuel replaced by Petcoke = 80%% Fuel replaced by Petcoke = 80% ¾Price of #6 Fuel Oil = $60.00 / BBLPrice of #6 Fuel Oil = $60.00 / BBL ¾Price of Natural Gas = $9.50 / MMBTUPrice of Natural Gas = $9.50 / …

Home – FIRST
We at First have spent enough of time researching about cheaper fuel replacement systems for various industries including Glass, Steel, Ferro, Cement, Power Industries. Right now we are promoting our new technological advancements which mainly include Waste Heat Recovery WHR and usage of PetCoke as an alternative fuel.

World Petcoke imports from India
plant >> supply of plant & machinery for pet cokestorage handling grinding system & petcoke storage-slide gate assy - 76.1-sg01: india: united arab emirates: 1: ... coal >> conveying coal calciner firing systems capacity 50 tphfor conveying coal-petcoke coal dosing s ystems indigenous items ; tph for : india: united arab emirates: 1:

First India Pvt. Ltd. in Visakhapatnam
Company deals in Biomass Gasification Power Geenration, Cement Industry, Sponge Iron, Glass Industry, Steel Industry, Petcoke Firing Systems, Wind Solar Hybrid Power System, Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant, Automated Street Light Controllers, Waste Heat Recovery Systems etc.

Steel Industry Manufacturer, Supplier from …
Steel industry is energy intensive, requiring large amount of electrical energy as well as heat energy through use of fossil fuels. In most of the furnaces used in the steel making process, some amount of heat energy …

Conventional Firing Systems
In this work, it is shown that, despite the low reactivity of petroleum coke (petcoke) and the presence of 40% water, a petcoke suspension having a large colloidal population burned with ...

Solid Fuel to Natural Gas Conversions for Existing Boiler …
As more facilities consider boiler fuel conversions, it is important to understand all facets of the conversion, from the thermal evaluation of the boiler, to the complete design, supply and installation of the new firing system.

Petcoke Fired Aluminum Melting Furnace | PDF
To 500 Kgs./Batch - Quick Start High Efficiency - Unique Fuel feeding system to prevent back firing - Compact & user Friendly - Very Low Running Cost The Petroleum Coke also known as Petcoke, has several remarkable features from the usage point of view that are: Petcoke can be a good replacement of coal/lignite.

Optimisation of coal mill systems, with fire and explosion …
This talk pertains to indirect firing systems in form of air-swept mill systems, both horizontal ball mill and vertical roller mill systems. ... We help operators of coal, lignite and petcoke grinding systems to make production of cement and lime products SAFE ...

Petroleum Coke
Petroleum coke is a solid by-product of petroleum refining and is used in the production of carbon electrodes for the aluminum industry, graphite electrodes for steel making, as …

Browse Products / Services list of First India Pvt. Ltd
Petcoke Firing Systems. Petcoke Firing Petcoke is an alternative FuelIt is a residue from Petroleum RefiningIt has High Fixed carbon (> 90%)High calorific value : 8400 kcal/kgLow cost FuelEasy to handlePossible to replace HFO / LPG/ PROPANE/ NG Why Petcoke Low cost compared with HFO / LPG/ NG)Reduce Operating cost)Improve profitability)Easy to ...

Method of enhancing the dry grinding efficiency of petcoke
a further problem associated with the firing of petcoke in cement kilns or calciners is its high sulphur content. Due to the high levels of excess air required for petcoke combustion the S0 2 emissions are relatively high. ... However, also ball mills and E-Mill systems can be used. The best grinding efficiency can be achieved when using ...

Ceramic Industry Products
Producer Gas Burner Firing System. Innovative Motor Control Centre with VVVFD. Typical Self Supported Tunnel Kiln Chimney. Producer Gas Burner Flame. ... Oil Firing to Petcoke Firing for 1700°C . During Erection. Product: Spotless Dolomite Brick. Petcoke Burner in Kiln. Central Storage & Distribution System of Petcoke.

Alternative Fuels in Cement Manufacturing
New plants specifically designed to enable 100 percent petcoke firing are coming on the market while the many classical precalciners are retrofitted to enable petcoke firing. One traditional solution to using petcoke is to grind the coke to a much finer residue than standard coal, up to 0.5 – 1 percent retained on 90 µ m (Roy, 2002; Bryers ...

Pet coke/ coal kiln burner SFD
Micronized petcoke / coal Kiln Burner (without hammer mill) The SFD group for solid fuels is a simple and rational system, both for Hoffmann and Tunnel kilns, born from the increasing need for saving in conduction of the kiln and combustion efficiency. ... Firing system. The entire firing system is completed with totally independent groups ...

Specialized coal and pet-coke firing pipe design
This paper discusses specialized coal and pet-coke-firing, viewing the design of customized combustion systems in order to meet client's specific …

PetCoke Firing – FIRST
Switching to PETCOKE having a calorific value of 8200 KCal/kg with a price of $290 per ton would provide a great opportunity for cost savings and improvising the bottomlines. Economical advantage of switching to …

Alternative Fuels in Cement Manufacturing
However, owing to the challenges associated with its burning, it is not possible to fire 100 percent petcoke in the kiln and precalciner in …

Calciner Firing Systems
The Pyrobox ® is a simple but smart solution. It combines the typical raw meal inlet box with a burner designed to fire solid pulverized fuels (coal, lignite, petcoke, biomass). As the preheated raw meal is fed through the …

Aspen plus simulation of an inline calciner for white cement …
Aspen plus-based producer gas co-processing model for a calciner has been developed, considering petcoke firing as the baseline scenario. The co-processing of producer gas further augmented the model to achieve a 15–20% thermal substitution rate (TSR). ... whereas the petcoke enters the system at 60 °C with negligible sensible heat ...

Petcoke Firing-System Manufacturer, Wholesale Supplier / …
First India Pvt Ltd offering Petcoke Firing-System at wholesale Price No. 16, Prince Apartments Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India - Manufacturer, Wholesale Supplier / Wholesaler of Petcoke Firing-System in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. Send Enquiry and Get the best deal for Petcoke Firing-System.