Mining association rules to support resource allocation in business
Resource allocation is of great importance for business process management. In business process execution, ... Our approach is mainly based on association rules mining (ARM) (Agrawal et al., 1993, Agrawal and Srikant, 1995). ARM is an important and well established data mining topic. The objective of ARM is to identify …

The biggest business process management problems to
BPM continuously attracts the attention of academia and practice, as it is known to drive organizational performance (Beverungen, 2014, Kerpedzhiev et al., 2021).Especially process (re-)design entails significant business value by introducing adjusted process designs or completely new processes to address existing issues or to …

Creating business value with process mining
Introduction. Recent years have seen an increasing uptake of process mining in industry (Reinkemeyer, 2020). Process mining is a business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) technology (Chen, Chiang and Storey, 2012) that is concerned with the real-time analysis and visualization of end-to-end business processes based on event …

How can Process Mining help?
Process mining is a technique that applies AI to discover, monitor and optimize business processes by analyzing available knowledge from event log systems and desktop …

Business Process Mining Application: A Literature Review
An overview of business process mining is offered, based on a literature review of relevant papers published on application of business process mining in industry, in the period of ten years, along with guidelines for future research. Business process mining is a relatively new and expanding research field, which focuses on analysis of business …

Material Movement Analysis for Warehouse Business Process …
Process mining is introduced by Aalst et al. as a technique to model and analyze business process based on traces of activities performed and stored in the database of any information systems being operated by the company i.e. event logs. Process mining enables companies to understand how their business processes are …

Business process mining: An industrial application
Business process mining, or process mining for short, aims at the automatic construction of models explaining the behavior observed in the event log. For example, based on some event log, one can construct a process model expressed in terms of a Petri net. ... P. Sarbanes, G. Oxley, et al., Sarbanes–Oxley act of 2002, 2002. …

Process Mining: Discovery, Conformance and Enhancement of Business …
In Part I, the author provides the basics of business process modeling and data mining necessary to understand the remainder of the book. Part II focuses on process discovery as the most important process mining task. Part III moves beyond discovering the control flow of processes and highlights conformance checking, and organizational and time ...

(PDF) A review of business process mining: …
This is the most comprehensive and up‐to‐date review of business process‐mining literature. Papers detailing process-mining techniques Process-mining technique (papers published since 2001)

Robotic process automation using process mining — A …
Linn et al. [39] introduced the concept of Desktop Activity Mining (DAM), which is designed to add a new level of detail in process mining by (a) capturing user actions that are not logged by information systems, (b) obtaining a complete set of process variants, and (c) deriving a process model and documentation about the process …

Business Process Mining Application: A Literature Review
business process mining is a topic that received attention in the last decade and has been applied on real-life business. ... M. et al. (2012). process mining …

Process Mining Success Factors and Their Interrelationships
Process mining (PM) is a research discipline that specialises in extracting knowledge from event logs generated by today's business information systems to discover, monitor and improve real processes (van der Aalst 2016).Organisations can utilise PM techniques to achieve operational excellence and organisational resilience.

How to Leverage Process Mining in Organizations
Thereof, the closest to our work is the paper from Martin et al. [29], who conducted a Delphi study to identify opportunities and challenges for organizations in applying and adopting process mining.

Process Mining Research in Management Science and
Er et al. demonstrated the use of process mining in modeling and analyzing at a process level in a real manufacturing company by using PM for production planning in an ERP environment. Van der Aalst [ 14 ] showed that spreadsheets could be used for PM and applied them to the order handling process in a telecom company.

(PDF) Process mining: From theory to practice
All commercially available business process mining tools included in this paper are capable of process comparison and at least 40 per cent of the tools claim to deal with noise in process data.

Process Mining for Detailed Process Analysis | SpringerLink
Process mining is an umbrella term for all data-driven process analysis techniques. It brings together the disciplines of data mining and BPM to gain insights into business processes. Process mining allows analyzing a set of data, in particular to better understand operational processes and enterprise activities.

Process Mining: Discovery, Conformance and …
Process mining is an emerging discipline based on process model-driven approaches and data mining. It not only allows organizations to fully benefit from the information stored in their systems, but it can also be used to …

The Use of Process Mining in Business Process Simulation …
The paper focuses on the use of process mining (PM) to support the construction of business process simulation (BPS) models. Given the useful BPS insights that are available in event logs, further ...

Process Mining and Robotic Process Automation: A Perfect …
Overall, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in process mining. It is intended for business process analysts, business consultants, process managers, graduate ...

Process Science in Action: A Literature Review on Process Mining …
These include comparisons to lean management and the potential for simultaneous implementation (Maldonado et al., 2020), methods for effective business process modeling (Entringer et al., 2021 ...

"Business Process Mining Success" by Ronny Mans, Hajo Reijers et al.
By Ronny Mans, Hajo Reijers, Hans Berends, et al., Published on 07/01/13

Process Mining for Manufacturing Process Analysis: A case …
The research results enable process mining practitioners, business analysts, and business managers to gain insight into the trends and benefits of process mining application in the manufacturing ...

Process Science in Action: A Literature Review on Process …
Process Mining is a new kind of Business Analytics and has emerged as a powerful family of Process Science techniques for analysing and improving business …

Process Mining Manifesto
This manifesto is created by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining and aims to promote the topic of process mining. Moreover, by defining a set of guiding principles and listing …

Business process analysis in healthcare environments: A …
The methodology we propose for BPA in healthcare is an extension to the work of [42].In [42] the authors describe a general methodology for the application of process mining techniques. This methodology (Fig. 1, tasks in white) comprises: (1) the preparation of an event log; (2) log inspection; (3) control-flow analysis; (4) performance …

Process mining techniques and applications
The initial process mining areas focus was to offer a new approach to business process design, which is complex and time-consuming, and the resulting process model usually is different from the process executed in reality (van der Aalst et …

A business process mining application for internal transaction fraud
However, process mining can be used to assess the control flow of a business process [149] and to analyze process performance, event sequence, and process roles [29]. Still, process mining focuses ...

Event abstraction in process mining: literature …
The majority of the available process mining techniques assume that event data are captured on the same level of granularity. However, often, multiple dedicated information systems are used within …

Improving Process Mining Maturity – From Intentions to …
Process mining is advancing as a powerful tool for revealing valuable insights about process dynamics. Nevertheless, the imperative to employ process mining to enhance process transparency is a prevailing concern for organizations. Despite the widespread desire to integrate process mining as a pivotal catalyst for fostering a more …

Process Mining in Manufacturing: Goals, Techniques and
A comprehensive and well-structured literature review firstly elaborates on the need for a systematic literature review, then formulates research questions, search strategy, study selection criteria, and performs study quality assessment [].Although there are papers that elaborate on the usefulness of process mining in the manufacturing …