Muna Is Palestine, Yakub Is Israel: The Untold Story of Sheikh Jarrah …
Common Dreams: There are two separate Sheikh Jarrah stories—one read and watched in the news and another that receives little media coverage or due analysis. ... Here is a little introduction to the political discourse of Ben-Gvir and King, who were caught on video shouting and insulting a wounded Palestinian protester. The video starts with ...

World must realize Sheikh Jarrah is the norm, not the …
There are two separate Sheikh Jarrah stories: One that can be read or watched in the media and another that receives little coverage or due analysis. The obvious story is that of the nightly raids ...

Clashes in Sheikh Jarrah as far-right MK vows to open office …
At the time, Sheikh Jarrah saw tensions skyrocket over the potential eviction of dozens of Palestinians, following a long legal battle with right-wing Jewish …

Sheikh Jarrah: Israeli police evict Palestinians from East
Israeli police have evicted a Palestinian family and demolished their house in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah. Officers raided the Salhiya family home before dawn, arresting ...

With Attention on Gaza, Evictions Are Accelerating …
The Sheikh Jarrah families have racked their brains for years over how to prove that the houses built in former walnut groves do belong to them. In 2009, Ersheid took on the case for several families, …

Sheikh Jarrah is a historic Jerusalem neighbourhood
The bustling Sheikh Jarrah, one of the historic Jerusalem neighbourhoods built outside its Ottoman city walls, faces a new-old wave of Judaisation and forced displacement by Jewish and settler ...

Sheikh Jarrah: Two suspects arrested for allegedly …
Two suspects were arrested on suspicion of assaulting a journalist who was covering clashes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem on Sunday, Israeli Police said in a statement.

Sheikh Jarrah: The Facts | CAMERA
A long-simmering controversy over the fate of Jewish-owned land and Palestinian tenants in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem has once again become frontpage news after yet another court decision reaffirming the pre-1948 Jewish ownership of the land and the obligation of the Palestinian tenants to pay their rent or be …

Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah: The land dispute in …
The Palestinian couple's single-storey stone house in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah is one of 14 where Palestinian residents - 300 people in all - face eviction to make way for ...

Mengenal Sheikh Jarrah, Kawasan Palestina yang Terancam Digusur Israel
Melansir Anadolu Agency, sejarah kawasan Sheikh Jarrah di Yerusalem Timur bermula ketika 28 keluarga Palestina yang terusir oleh Israel pada 1948 menetap di lingkungan itu. Pengusiran itu banyak dikenal sebagai peristiwa Nakba (bencana) yang mengakibatkan ratusan ribu penduduk Palestina mengungsi dari rumah mereka.

Understanding the Sheikh Jarrah property dispute
The current dispute in Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood involves several properties with tenants whose leases have expired and, in a few cases, squatters with no tenancy rights at all, against owner-landlords who have successfully won court orders evicting the squatters and overstaying tenants. The litigation has taken several …

Statelessness in East Jerusalem: Sheikh Jarrah, Human …
The events in Sheikh Jarrah, and the history of East Jerusalem more generally, demonstrate the profound flaws in this approach. The creation of a stateless city The modern city of Jerusalem has been subject to multiple, overlapping, and contested claims of ownership at least since its invasion by the British in 1917, during their military ...

A truce halted the bloodshed, but the frustration of young
Back in Sheikh Jarrah, the Kurd family continues to fight a court battle to keep what's left of their home, despite feeling certain that the Israeli justice system will rule against them. Israel ...

Sheikh Jarrah: Palestinians Fight Evictions, and a Repeat of …
The Sheikh Jarrah resident said she is hopeful because of the mobilization of Palestinians, and people internationally, against the evictions, which she felt pressured the Israeli Supreme Court to ...

Supreme Court delays session on Sheikh Jarrah evictions …
The Supreme Court, amid daily violent clashes in East Jerusalem, has canceled a hearing scheduled for Monday that could have determined whether four …

The battle for Sheikh Jarrah
The Jewish residents of East Jerusalem, including Sheikh Jarrah, were expelled from their homes in the wake of the 1948 war. For 19 years, they waited for the day they could …

The New Arab Street: Online, Global and Growing on Social …
As images of Sheikh Jarrah, destruction in Gaza and police raids on Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem have barreled from Palestinian online platforms including PaliRoots and Eye on Palestine across ...

In Sheikh Jarrah, anonymous actors and an …
Sheikh Jarrah is, in addition to its deeper meaning and significance to each side, also simply a property dispute born in the social and legal chaos of 1948. But for the past two decades, it's ...

Sheikh Jarrah: The tiny neighbourhood at the centre of a …
Sheikh Jarrah was home to a Jewish community for thousands of years, but they fled the area when the city was divided in 1948 during the Battle for Jerusalem.

Sheikh Jarrah families facing threat of forced eviction reject
Seven Palestinian families facing the threat of forced eviction from their homes in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah have rejected a proposal from Israel's High Court that ...

The battle for Sheikh Jarrah
Today, these two areas are considered a part of the larger neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, so just to be clear, when we talk about Sheikh Jarrah, we're including Shimon HaTzaddik and Nahalat Shimon. According to …

#SheikhJarrah: from Jerusalem neighbourhood to global hashtag
For decades, Sheikh Jarrah was just another neighbourhood in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, but its story has gone viral online since protests flared against the planned expulsion of Palestinians ...

Sheikh Jarrah | Evictions, Conflict, & Explanation
Sheikh Jarrah, neighbourhood in Jerusalem located north of the Old City.. Location and history. The neighbourhood is situated around the tombs of Simeon the Just (Shimon HaTzadik), a Jewish religious leader from the …

Sheikh Jarrah: Palestinian family faces forced displacement
Sheikh Jarrah, Occupied East Jerusalem – Living in fear and apprehension, the Salem family awaits imminent forced displacement from the house they have lived in since 1951 – currently home to ...

Save Sheikh Jarrah: The online campaign giving hope to …
The Sheikh Jarrah district is inhabited by refugees who were expelled from their towns and villages by Zionist militia during the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe) in 1948. But due to Israel's ...

Sheikh Jarrah Hirbawi® Kufiya | Official Store from Palestine
The green threads of the Sheikh Jarrah (الشيخ جراح) kufiya represent the deep roots of the Palestinian families who have lived in this neighborhood of Jerusalem for generations, building homes, raising families, and creating a community that has stood the test of time. Against all odds, the families of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood ...

What's behind the Sheikh Jarrah dispute
Sheikh Jarrah is, in essence, another Khan al-Ahmar or Susiya or Al-Araqib. These are places where a property dispute, usually going back decades, became an …

Sheikh Jarrah: Israeli police evict Palestinians from East …
Israeli police have evicted a Palestinian family and demolished their house in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah. Officers raided the Salhiya family home before dawn, arresting ...