Stream Gold Rush
Gold mining rookies head to Alaska hoping to save their families. 44m 12/4/2010. TV-PG. S1 E2. Gold, Guns and Bears. S1 E2. Gold, Guns and Bears. The miners face bears and a rock-shaker incident that could shut …

Fairbanks Gold Panning Tours
Gold panning is a fun and exciting way to immerse yourself in Alaska's history and living culture. Gold panning tours in Fairbanks offer you the chance to dive into the fascinating world of gold rushes while connecting with families who continue to mine for gold today. Listen to stories as you sift and search for gleaming flecks of gold ...

Pogo Mine – Alaska Division of Mining, Land, and Water
The Pogo Mine is an underground cut-and-fill operation using gravity, flotation, and cyanide leaching processes to recover gold. The mine is located 38 miles northeast of Delta Junction, Alaska, on land owned by the State of Alaska. Access to the mine is via a 49-mile all season road from the Richardson Highway.

Pogo Operations
The Pogo Operations are located in the highly prospective Tintina Gold Province of Alaska, North America. Location: 145km (220km by road) southeast of Fairbanks, Alaska. Mine type: Underground. F24 gold production: 278koz. Commenced gold production: 2006. Mineral Resources at 31 March 2024: 6,681koz. Ore Reserves at 31 March 2024: …

Donlin Gold Project – Alaska Division of Mining, Land, and …
Donlin Gold LLC has proposed a large, undeveloped, open pit, hardrock gold mine located approximately 10 miles north of Crooked Creek, Alaska, which is located on the shores of the Kuskokwim River, in southwest Alaska. The deposit is situated on Native lands owned by The Kuskokwim Corporation and Calista Corporation.

Gold Panning in Alaska: Exploring the Last Frontier's Riches
Though the Nome Gold Rush eventually declined, it left behind a rich legacy in Alaska's mining history. Modern-Day Gold Mining in Alaska. Gold mining still plays a significant role in Alaska's economy and culture. Modern-day techniques and technologies have made it possible to extract gold efficiently and sustainably.

Gold Mining in Alaska
Alaska still has plenty of gold waiting to be found. With the high price of gold, miners eagerly await the snow melt each summer for the chance to wet their gold pans in search of some nuggets. Gold mining in Alaska is a significant industry in the state, and many small communities rely on gold mining.

Independence Mine State Historical Park
Learn about government gold-price policies in the 1930s, visit a room in the bunkhouse and hear about life at the mine, and see the difference between placer and hard-rock gold mining. There are 1.5 miles of paved …

Gold Panning in Alaska
Since the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867, gold mining has played a major role in Alaska's history. News of northern gold was responsible for bringing floods of people into or through Alaska; this, in turn, created dramatic bursts of population and caused the foundation of many settlements that still survive, (Skagway, Fairbanks, Juneau ...

Gold Prospecting in Alaska: 6 Best Locations & Laws
Nome Creek. Nome Creek, located in the White Mountains National Recreation Area, is a picturesque location with 12 miles of gold-bearing creeks accessible to the general public. You can try your luck …

New era of Alaska gold for Kinross
With an August groundbreaking ceremony celebrating the start of Mining at Manh Choh, Kinross Gold Corp. fully entered into a new era of mining in Alaska that is expected to push Fort Knox gold …

Exploring Alaska's golden mining future
In Southcentral Alaska, Nova Minerals Ltd. and HighGold Mining Inc. are rapidly expanding gold mineralization on two exciting gold projects – Estelle and Johnson Tract. Over the past three years, Nova Minerals has advanced its Estelle project, which lies about 100 miles northwest of Anchorage, from a promising prospect to an advanced ...

Alaska Gold Panning Tours
Alaska's gold rush shaped the next 100 years of history and is the reason many of the state's towns, harbors, and even railroads and roads exist today. One of the …

While placer mine production in Alaska today may be small relative to the industry's early days, it remains a significant contributor to the state's economy. Placer [plas-er] gold mining in Alaska began in the 1800s when Russian miners first discovered deposits on the Kenai Peninsula. However, no gold production occurred at the time. It ...

Juneau Gold Panning & Historic Mining Alaska Gold Rush …
Near the famous Alaska-Juneau gold mine, one of the world's largest hard rock mining operations at its peak, you will get hands-on experience at Juneau gold panning in Gold Creek. On this Juneau gold panning tour, you can choose to pan in the creek or the waist-high demonstration trough. Everyone of all ages, and those with limited mobility ...

Alaska Gold Panning Tour
Gold Daughters works directly with Fairbanks Gold Co. to find an area that has rich paydirt. Gold Daughters locates the gold by panning, then Fairbanks Gold Co. delivers a dump-truck filled with it before they start mining! You will be able to pan through these piles all day long at no additional fee.

Crow Creek Mine
Indian Valley Mine is a historic gold mining site located in Indian, Alaska, which is approximately a 45-minute drive from downtown Anchorage. It's a popular destination for both tourists and locals interested in exploring the history of gold mining in Alaska and trying their hand at gold panning.

What's next for Pebble mine, now that the federal …
After a decades-long controversy, the Biden administration took a rare step this week to stop the giant Pebble copper and gold mine in Southwest Alaska. But observers of the project say the fight ...

HOME | Skookum Gold Camp | Central, AK
Skookum Gold Camp is a prospectors dream getaway! Join us and Dredge, Highbank, Sluice, Gold Pan and Metal Detect on over 1,000 acres of claims and patented property on 4 creeks in the famous Circle Mining District. If searching for gold and adventure are your thing, you're our kind of guest!

Where to Pan Gold in Alaska: 10 Best Locations
Learn about the best places to find gold in Alaska, from Nome Creek to the Dalton Highway. Find out the legalities, equipment, and tips for gold prospecting in the State's stunning landscapes.

Kensington Gold Mine – Alaska Division of Mining, Land, …
The Kensington Mine is an underground long hole stoping and drift-and-fill operation using flotation processes to recover gold. The mine is located in southeast Alaska, in the Tongass National Forest between Berners Bay and Lynn Canal, approximately 45 air miles north-northwest of Juneau and 35 air miles south-southeast …

Alaska Gold Infographic
Gold is Alaska's most seductive metal, but it's also critical to products aimed at creating a renewable future. Since the 1896 Klondike Gold Rush, miners have been drawn to Alaska in hopes of striking it rich. Not only is gold a precious metal found in luxury items and used for investment, but it is also important in electrical components because …

Cripple Creek Gold Mine | McGrath Alaska | Fay Ranches
Price Reduced Ketchum Creek Gold Mine Circle Hot Springs, Alaska . Located in the Yukon-Koyukuk Borough and within one hundred fifty miles from Fairbanks near Circle Hot Springs, Alaska, this offering consists of a contiguous set of 34 gold claims representing a total of 604± acres, with 5,118 lineal feet along Ketchum Creek and 6,603± lineal feet …

19 Places to Pan for Gold in Alaska on Your Vacation (with …
"Russia has sold us a sucked orange!" The press thought panning for gold in Alaska was a fool's errand. New York World newspaper printed this citrus-themed headline on April 1, 1867 criticizing Secretary of State William Seward's purchase of Alaska from the Russians.. Critics mocked him as a "fool" when he agreed to buy the territory for $7.2 …

Denali Gold Tours | Learn How to Pan for Gold
Learn how to pan for gold while enjoying the beautiful landscape of Alaska's backcountry and great views of Denali from the South. Denali Gold Tours works several claims in the active Cache Creek Mining …

Greens Creek Mine – Alaska Division of Mining, Land, and …
The Greens Creek Mine is an underground cut-and-fill and long-hole stoping operation using flotation and gravity processes to recover silver, gold, lead, and zinc. The mine is located in southeast Alaska, in the Tongass National Forest near Hawk Inlet on Admiralty Island National Monument, approximately 18 miles southwest of Juneau, on …

Ketchum Creek Gold Mine | Circle Hot Springs Alaska
McGrath, Alaska . This Alaskan gold mine in the untamed wilderness offers a unique investment opportunity as a gold mine and a hunting camp. Located 46± miles north/northwest of McGrath, this 1,640± acre site in the Innoko Mining District features 72 unpatented claims. With a gold mining history dating back to 1917, the property …

Fairbanks Gold Panning Tours
Gold panning is a fun and exciting way to immerse yourself in Alaska's history and living culture. Gold panning tours in Fairbanks offer you the chance to dive into the fascinating world of gold rushes while connecting …

Crow Creek Gold Mine
Established in 1896, Crow Creek Mine is one of Alaska's most renowned hydraulic gold mining operations. Explore the Mine/General Admission allows you to explore at your own pace. So come along and enjoy the unique blend of historical buildings, antiques, rare mining equipment, beautiful gardens, amazing mountain scenery, and hiking trails …

Alaska gold panning vacation
In the end, the gold that you walk away with will be a bonus compared to the memories you make from that time you went panning for gold in Alaska. SO MUCH TO DO Try your luck at gold panning, stroll through our mining museum …