The effect of primary copper slag cooling rate on the copper
Detailed process oriented characterisation on representative samples from plant survey of the slag flotation plant belonging to Aurubis, Bulgaria has been realised in order to evaluate the mineralogical occurrences of Cu, Ni, Mo and Co bearing phases. The slag subjected to flotation consisted in majority of fayalite, magnetite-iron oxides and a ...

World's largest flotation cells improve copper and …
Outotec. 29 October 2018. The first two Outotec TankCell ® e630's - the largest operating flotation cells in the world at 630 m 3 - are running at the Buenavista del Cobre (BVC) concentrator in Northern Mexico. Start-up …

Ferric leaching of copper slag flotation tailings
In this paper, the ferric leaching of slag flotation tailings is studied. Copper extractions of 66% are achieved by ferric leaching, and Cu content in tailings is reduced from 0.78% to 0.24% ...

Effective separation of coal gasification fine slag: Role of
The CGFS sample was taken from a coal chemical plant for ammonia synthesis in Shaanxi Province of China. The gasification process adopts Texaco coal-water slurry pressurization technology with bituminous coal as raw material. ... Fractal analysis and pore structure of gasification fine slag and its flotation residual carbon. Colloids …

Economic potential and environmental impact of metal …
Several plants recover the copper contained in the copper slag by flotation. This method is generally appropriate for liberated metallic copper and sulfide minerals. It …

Characterisation and recovery of non-ferrous metals met …
The flowsheet of the slag flotation plant adjacent to Aurubis, Pirdop copper smelter is shown in Figure 1. For the aim of the current work, six process streams were sampled …

Application of Thionocarbamates in Copper Slag Flotation
Chemical analysis of smelter slag sample obtained from Flotation plant in Bor, Serbia, showed that it contains 3.56% of copper, of which over 73% is in the sulphide form, as well as 0.58 g/t of ...

The Recovery of Copper from Smelting Slag by Flotation …
Aiming at the recovery of copper from smelting slag, a flotation approach was studied. It was found that this slag composed of fine particles with complex association and distribution, in which bornite was the main copper-bearing mineral after a detailed mineralogy analysis via polarizing microscope, SEM and XRD. Consequently, flotation …

Pasar Philippines Smelting High-Quality Smelting Services
During this process, the copper concentrates reacts with oxygen enriched-air producing copper matte, iron oxides and sulphur dioxide which causes it to directly be oxidized and be separated into matte and slag when melted. It is skimmed off and is moved into the Slag Flotation Plant (SFP).

Recovery of metal values from copper slags by …
Chemical analysis of smelter slag sample obtained from Flotation plant in Bor, Serbia, showed that it contains 3.56% of copper, of which over 73% is in the sulphide form, as well as 0.58 g/t of ...

Rofomex Moves Mexico Toward Phosphate Self-Sufficiency
Two Ellicott cutting head suction dredges feed ore to a barge-mounted primary flotation plant, which will float in the mines area behind the dredges. Rofomex …

Copper Recovery Through Smelter Slag Flotation in …
Copper slag flotation was studied on an industrial scale at a concentrator plant in the region of Atacama, Chile. This study consisted of the physical, chemical, and mineralogical characterization ...

Flotation and Leaching Processes in Metallurgy
In this paper, the results of the study of application of thionocarbamates in copper slag flotation are presented. Chemical analysis of smelter slag sample obtained from Flotation plant in Bor, Serbia, showed that it contains 3.56% of copper, of which over 73% is in the sulphide form, as well as 0.58 g/t of gold and 11.30 g/t of silver.

Slag Float Plant Maintenance Agreement
The slag from the customer's smelter furnace is processed at the Slag Flotation Plant (SFP) via various minerals processing technologies. The SFP plays an important role in extracting maximum value from the ore. …

Slag Float Plant Maintenance Agreement
The slag from the customer's smelter furnace is processed at the Slag Flotation Plant (SFP) via various minerals processing technologies. The SFP plays an important role in extracting maximum value from the ore. In 2016, during the early installation phase of the customer's new SFP, Outotec undertook a Maintenance Assessment with the aim of ...

Enhancing the flotation recovery of copper minerals in …
Slag cooling beneficiation, which uses the surface property differences of sulfide minerals and oxide minerals to enrich valuable elements in the slag concentrate, is the most widely used method ...

Flotation of copper sulphide from copper smelter slag …
Present work focuses on the differences in the performances obtained in the froth flotation of copper smelter slag with multiple collector viz. sodium iso-propyl xanthate (SIPX), sodium di-ethyl dithiophosphate (DTP) and alkyl hydroxamate at various dosages.

[PDF] Optimization of the flotation of copper smelter slags …
Copper slag flotation was studied on an industrial scale at a concentrator plant in the region of Atacama, Chile. This study consisted of the physical, chemical, and mineralogical characterization of … Expand

Copper Recovery Through Smelter Slag Flotation in …
The first campaign was carried out using an existing copper slag flotation circuit in the plant. During the second campaign (2017), a circuit for sulfide ore flotation with an additional columnar flotation cleaning stage was evaluated. Results showed an improvement in metallurgical parameters on the second campaign (including …

Effect of grinding time on flotation recovery of copper …
2.6. Copper slag flotation To do the flotation tests, which were designed by the DX7 software, a Denver's flotation machine was used. A plan of 210-5 was considered for these tests. This plan that designed 32 tests is shown in Figure 6. After designing the experiments, 1 kg of the copper slag sample was poured into a flotation pulp.

The recovery of copper, by flotation, from calcium-ferrite …
DOI: 10.1016/J.MINENG.2003.12.004 Corpus ID: 97366600; The recovery of copper, by flotation, from calcium-ferrite-based slags made in continuous pilot plant smelting trials @article{Bruckard2004TheRO, title={The recovery of copper, by flotation, from calcium-ferrite-based slags made in continuous pilot plant smelting trials}, …

Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag in a Pyro
Copper slagCopper slag is a major waste produced in pyrometallurgical plants during the smelting and converting operations and has caused heavy environmental contamination. ... Usoltsev AV et al (2012) Leaching of copper and zinc from copper converter slag flotation tailings using H 2 SO 4 and biologically generated Fe2(SO4)3. …

Enhancing the flotation recovery of copper minerals in …
Slag cleaning can be divided into two types, first being the pyrometallurgical reduction and settling of liquid slag, which is performed in slag-cleaning furnaces, and the second type being the mineral processing-based slag cleaning of solidified or granulated slag by crushing and/or grinding followed by gravity concentration or froth flotation ...

The recovery of copper, by flotation, from calcium-ferrite-based …
Section snippets Slag samples. Laboratory batch flotation tests were conducted on four slag samples containing different levels of copper. The slags (referred to here as pilot plant slags) were made in continuous pilot plant smelting tests, conducted on-site at CSIRO Minerals using a Sirosmelt reactor and copper sulphide concentrates …

Copper Recovery Through Smelter Slag Flotation in …
focuses on industrial flotation, which consisted of two one-year campaigns (2016 and 2017). The first campaign was carried out using an existing copper slag flotation circuit in the plant. During the second campaign (2017), a circuit for sulfide ore flotation with an additional columnar flotation cleaning stage was evaluated.

Economic potential and environmental impact of metal …
Several plants recover the copper contained in the copper slag by flotation. This method is generally appropriate for liberated metallic copper and sulfide minerals. It is unsuitable for recovering base metals such as cobalt, zinc, and nickel and forms of oxides or doped slags ( Aatach et al., 2020 ).

Leaching of Metals from Flotation Tailings of a Copper Smelter Slag …
same plant as per the slag sample used in the . current study) reported that most of copper ... from converter slag flotation tailings are: pulp density of 30% (w/v), pH 1.5, temperature of 70 °C ...

The Recovery of Copper from Smelting Slag by …
Slag by Flotation Process Jiaqi Fan, Hongxu Li, Liangtian Wei, Chao Li and Shi Sun Abstract Aiming at the recovery of copper from smelting slag, a flotation ... calcium-ferrite-based slags made in continuous pilot plant smelting trials. Miner. Eng. 17(4), 495–504 (2004) 5. K. Maweja, T. Mukongo, I. Mutombo, Cleaning of a copper matte ...

Plant-wide optimization of a copper smelter: how to do …
The matte grade affects slag blowing times and the copper-in-slag content in the PSC. Feed rate affects the overall schedule and overall production rate. The circulated slag from AF or from copper blow shortens the required slag blowing times and in-creases copper content in PSC slag but has a cooling effect as well. The actual bottleneck of the

Worlds largest flotation cells improve copper and …
World's largest flotation cells improve copper and molybdenum recovery in Mexico. The first two Outotec TankCell® e630's – the largest operating flotation cells in the world at 630 m3 – are running …